纯 Python 实现的 SMB/CIFS 库 - pysmb 1.0.1 发布
jopen 13年前
<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958327256818246059" target="_blank">pysmb </a>是一个使用纯 Python 实现的 SMB/CIFS 库,支持 Windows 和 Linux 机器间的文件共享。 <br /> <br /> <p>pysmb 1.0.1 发布,修复了几个 bug ,包括:</p> <p>1. A bug in the listPath() method that caused directory listings for sub-directories to return an empty list was fixed. <br /> 2. Incorrect implementations of the TRANS2_FIND_FIRST2<span class="truncate_more"> and TRANS2_FIND_NEXT2 request/response handling that caused directory listing to crash when the remote directory contained a certain number of entries were fixed</span></p>