Character Recognition 0.3.4 发布,字符识别的Android应用
jopen 12年前
Character Recognition是一个Android应用程序,允许用户在拍摄照片(或使用现有设备上的图片文件),然后应用Tesseract OCR引擎提取在照片中的文本。它目前支持英文文本,但在未来将会加入其它语言支持。
发布日志: This release adds support for most languages supported in Tesseract-OCR by downloading the training data from the Google code Teseract-OCR release site. Only English training data comes with the app download, but if the user now chooses another language, the app will download the language's training data. Once the data are installed, the app will be able to do recognition in that language in future runs. Thus, this release significantly increases the usefulness of the app