Marvin 1.4.3 发布,可扩展的Java图片处理框架

jopen 12年前

Marvin是一个可扩展的图片处理Java框架。它提供的功能包括处理图像,处理捕获的视频帧,利用多线程处理图像. Its features can be extended via plug-ins. Plug-ins can be integrated with the graphical user interface, and their plug-in performance can be analyzed. Every image processing algorithm is developed as a plug-in that can be plugged into the MarvinEditor, an image manipulation program that uses plug-ins developed using Marvin, or into third-party applications. Currently there are 55 plug-ins available。
Marvin 1.4.3 发布,可扩展的Java图片处理框架
Release Notes: The video interface for connecting to camera devices was rewritten from scratch. JavaCV (the Java interface to OpenCV) is now used for this purpose.