分布式文件系统,Ceph 10.0.2 发布
Ceph是加州大学Santa Cruz分校的Sage Weil(DreamHost的联合创始人)专为博士论文设计的新一代自由软件分布式文件系统。自2007年毕业之后,Sage开始全职投入到Ceph开 发之中,使其能适用于生产环境。Ceph的主要目标是设计成基于POSIX的没有单点故障的分布式文件系统,使数据能容错和无缝的复制。2010年3 月,Linus Torvalds将Ceph client合并到内 核2.6.34中。
Ceph 10.0.2 发布,主要更新如下:
auth: fail if rotating key is missing (do not spam log) (pr#6473, Qiankun Zheng)
auth: fix crash when bad keyring is passed (pr#6698, Dunrong Huang)
auth: make keyring without mon entity type return -EACCES (pr#5734, Xiaowei Chen)
buffer: make usable outside of ceph source again (pr#6863, Josh Durgin)
build: cmake check fixes (pr#6787, Orit Wasserman)
build: fix bz2-dev dependency (pr#6948, Samuel Just)
build: Gentoo: _FORTIFY_SOURCE fix. (issue#13920, pr#6739, Robin H. Johnson)
build/ops: systemd ceph-disk unit must not assume /bin/flock (issue#13975, pr#6803, Loic Dachary)
ceph-detect-init: Ubuntu >= 15.04 uses systemd (pr#6873, James Page)
cephfs-data-scan: scan_frags (pr#5941, John Spray)
cephfs-data-scan: scrub tag filtering (#12133 and #12145) (issue#12133, issue#12145, pr#5685, John Spray)
ceph-fuse: add process to ceph-fuse –help (pr#6821, Wei Feng)
ceph-kvstore-tool: handle bad out file on command line (pr#6093, Kefu Chai)
ceph-mds:add –help/-h (pr#6850, Cilang Zhao)
ceph_objectstore_bench: fix race condition, bugs (issue#13516, pr#6681, Igor Fedotov)
ceph.spec.in: add BuildRequires: systemd (issue#13860, pr#6692, Nathan Cutler)
client: a better check for MDS availability (pr#6253, John Spray)
更多内容请看:v10.0.2 released
Ceph 中文文档:http://docs.openfans.org/ceph
Ceph 的 4 个模块:
Ceph 生态系统: