SSLsplit 0.4.7 发布,可扩展的SSL调试工具
jopen 12年前
SSLsplit支持基于IPv4和IPv6的普通TCP、普通SSL、HTTP、HTTPS的数据包拦截。为了支持SSL和HTTPS连接,它基于原始服务器的 subject DN和subjectAltName扩展能够动态生成一个伪造的X509v3签名证书。SSLsplit完全支持SNI,并支持RSA、DSA和 ECDSA key、DHE以及ECDHE加密算法。
Release Notes: This release prevents IETF draft public key pinning by removing HPKP headers from responses. Also, remaining threading issues in daemon mode are fixed, and the connection log now contains the HTTP status code and the size of the response