12 个用于Web开发和设计的热门PHP工具

jopen 12年前

PHPEd – uses Linux platform as well as in Windows platform. It is available with version 3.3. It has an integrated development environment for PHP. It is freely available to the users. This tool helps in developing applications by supporting PHP scripts and its syntax.

PHP Debugger DBG – uses Linux as well as in Windows platform. Its current version is 2.11.23. This tool is freely available to all. This tool helps the PHP scripts to execute in steps. It enables us to trace the errors in scripts.

ionCube Standalone PHP Encoder - enables quick execution of scripts. It is freely available for Linux. Its updated version is 3.1.

Codelock – uses Linux Platform for working with PHP scripts. It is available with 2.0 versions.

PHing - works on Linux platform. The tool depends on the platform where the PHP is working. It is freely available for users. Its updated version 1.0 rc2. It performs various file system operations while processing a file.

NuSphei PHPEd – uses 3.1.2 version on Linux platform. It is freely available to users. It is an Integrated Development Environment that includes all functionality for developing dynamic Websites. This tool supports more than one application developers.

xored::WebStudio – uses the updated version of the tool. Its latest version is 0.2.2. It works on the Linux platform and is freely available to the users. This tool is built on an eclipse platform. An eclipse platform is a tool platform for open source IDE.

PHPmole – uses GNOME platform for working with PHP. A GNOME platform is a desktop environment for Linux. The latest version of this tool is 1.3 and is freely available to the users. This tool is a combination of Dreamweaver software with Microsoft Visual studio software.

Simplewire PHP SMS Software Development kit – works on Linux platform. It is available in 2.3.0 version and is freely available to users. This tool works with the wireless messaging network that enables us to send SMS to mobile phones.

Quanta Plus Web Development Environment – uses 2.0 version of tool on Linux platform. It is freely available to the users. It is a Web Development tool.

K PHP Develop – works on Linux platform only. It is freely available with 0.1.6 version of the software. This tool supports MySQL as a database server. It has different modules, such as server, server setup, clients, and plug-ins. It is an integrated Web Development tool.

Gedit – works on Linux platform. It is a text editor that is used for writing PHP scripts. This tool does not have its own version because it comes by default when Linux is installed. It is a normal text editor that is similar to notepad of Windows.