基于Ubuntu的自启动运行光盘,Redo Backup & Recovery 1.0.4 发布

jopen 12年前

基于Ubuntu的自启动运行光盘,Redo Backup & Recovery 1.0.4 发布
Redo Backup and Recovery是基于Ubuntu的自启动运行光盘,它以备份、还原、灾难修复软件为特色。它以一份易于使用的图形化程序作为主打,能以裸机模式对硬盘 分区进行备份和还原,并能操作外部硬盘驱动器及网络共享介质。该光盘还包括了一些流行的数据恢复程序,以及一个网页浏览器。
Redo Backup & Recovery 1.0.4 has been released. Redo is an Ubuntu-based live CD featuring backup, restore, and disaster recovery software, with an easy-to-use graphical program for running bare-metal backup and recovery of hard disk partitions. What's new in this release? " Base upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS; percent complete now based on part sizes rather than total number of parts; Windows now have title bars to ease minimizing, maximizing and closing; time is now synced to localtime (hardware clock) after boot; widget theme changed to Bluebird for GTK+ 3 compatibility; now has a helpful beep to indicate when long processes are finished; added alsamixergui to enable mixer button on volume control; drive reset utility can now operate on multiple drives simultaneously; removed Synaptic and boot-repair packages to reduce image size." See the project's . download page on SourceForge for a full changelog. Get the live CD image from here: redobackup-livecd-1.0.4.iso (249MB).
基于Ubuntu的自启动运行光盘,Redo Backup & Recovery 1.0.4 发布