Velocity的数据库操作封装,Velosurf 2.3 发布

openkk 13年前
     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958331006219610068" target="_blank">Velosurf </a>是一个<a href="" target="_blank">Velocity</a>模板引擎的数据库操作库,它提供自动的表映射。它具有:</p>    <ul>     <li>easy template grammar</li>     <li>code isolation: SQL queries are gathered in one place and appear as standard objects properties</li>     <li>dynamic mapping: no need to recompile on any database change</li>     <li>automatic connection recovery, statements and connections pooling</li>     <li>reverse engeenering of database schema</li>     <li>natural type mapping</li>     <li>transactions</li>     <li>default Java mapping objects that you can override when needed</li>     <li>basic tools to include authentication, internationalization and data validation in your app</li>    </ul>    <p><br /> Velosurf 2.3 发布了,该版本新增 upsert 方法、每个属性的“脏”标志位,更清晰的语法用来指定外部参数,以及一些元信息的方法;同时在语句池处理、数据库反向工程以及连接检查和实例缓存方面的改进和bug修复。</p>    <p><img style="width:548px;height:411px;" alt="Velocity的数据库操作封装,Velosurf 2.3 发布" src="" /></p>