推荐给Web开发者的 Sublime Text 3 插件
Must Have Sublime Text 3 Packages
/ vinta /Coding / Leave a Reply
(X) 表示棄用
All Autocomplete
link: https://github.com/alienhard/SublimeAllAutocomplete
Extend Sublime autocompletion to find matches in all open files of the current window
Anaconda (X)
link: https://github.com/DamnWidget/anaconda
Turning your Sublime Text 3 into a full featured Python IDE
Control + Option + G (or CONTROL + 左鍵)
Go to definition
建議改成 Control + G
Control + Option + F (or OPTION + 左鍵)
Find usages
建議改成 Control + F
Preferences > Key Bindings - User
[ {"command": "anaconda_doc", "keys": ["ctrl+h"]}, {"command": "anaconda_goto", "keys": ["ctrl+g"]}, {"command": "anaconda_find_usages", "keys": ["ctrl+f"]}, ... ]
[ {"modifiers": ["ctrl"], "button": "button1", "command": "anaconda_goto", "press_command": "drag_select"}, {"modifiers": ["alt"], "button": "button1", "command": "anaconda_find_usages", "press_command": "drag_select"} ]
in YOUR_PROJECT.sublime-project
{ "folders": [ { "follow_symlinks": true, "path": "/Users/vinta/Projects/streetvoice" } ], "settings": { "extra_paths": [ "/Users/vinta/Dropbox/Developments/virtualenv_streetvoice" ] } }
link: https://github.com/angular-ui/AngularJS-sublime-package
AngularJS code completion, snippets, go to definition, quick panel search
Preferences > Package Settings > SublimeLinter > Settings - User
{ "auto_complete_triggers": [ { "characters": "<", "selector": "text.html" }, { "characters": "ng-controller=\"*", "selector": "punctuation.definition.string" } ] }
link: https://github.com/clifford-github/sublime-ansible
Syntax highlighting for Ansible
link: https://github.com/facelessuser/ApplySyntax
Applying syntax by custom rules
Preferences > Package Settings > ApplySyntax > Settings - User
{ "reraise_exceptions": false, "new_file_syntax": false, "syntaxes": [ { "name": "Djaneiro/Syntaxes/HTML (Django)", "match": "all", "rules": [ {"file_name": ".*\\.(html|htm)$"}, {"first_line": "{%"} ] }, { "name": "Djaneiro/Syntaxes/Python Django", "match": "all", "rules": [ {"file_name": ".*\\.py$"}, {"contains": "from django"} ] }, { "name": "Djaneiro/Syntaxes/Python Django", "rules": [ {"file_name": ".*(\\\\|/)local_settings.py$"}, {"file_name": ".*(\\\\|/)settings.py$"} ] }, { "name": "Python/Python", "rules": [ {"file_name": ".*\\.py$"} ] } ] }
AutoFileName (X)
link: https://github.com/BoundInCode/AutoFileName
改用 FuzzyFilePath
link: https://github.com/wistful/SublimeAutoPEP8
Automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8
Better Completion (X)
link: https://github.com/Pleasurazy/Sublime-Better-Completion
其實是 snippets 而不是 autocomplete
Better JavaScript (X)
link: http://int3h.github.io/sublime-better-javascript/
Improving JS symbol navigation
改用 JavaScript Next
link: https://github.com/manse/BigComment
Generate ascii-art comment to display text on Minimap
$ cd "/Users/vinta/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages" $ git clone [email protected]
Command + Option + C當然你要開啟 Minimap 才會有效果
link: https://github.com/facelessuser/BracketHighlighter/
Preferences > Package Settings > Bracket Highlighter > Bracket Settings - User
// Angle { "name": "angle", "open": "(<)(?!\\?)", "close": "(?<!\\?)(>)", "style": "angle", "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment", "keyword.operator", "source.ruby.rails.embedded.html", "source.ruby.embedded.html"], "language_filter": "whitelist", "language_list": ["HTML", "HTML 5", "XML", "PHP", "HTML (Django)", "HTML (Rails)", "HTML (Jinja Templates)", "HTML (Twig)", "HTML+CFML", "ColdFusion", "ColdFusionCFC", "laravel-blade", "Handlebars", "AngularJS"], "plugin_library": "bh_modules.tags", "enabled": true }, // Determine which style of tag-matching to use in which syntax "tag_mode": { "xhtml": ["XML"], "html": ["HTML", "HTML 5", "PHP", "HTML (Django)", "HTML (Jinja Templates)", "HTML (Rails)", "HTML (Twig)", "laravel-blade", "Handlebars", "AngularJS"], "cfml": ["HTML+CFML", "ColdFusion", "ColdFusionCFC"] }
BufferScroll (X)
link: https://github.com/SublimeText/BufferScroll
Remember, restore and sync scroll, bookmarks, marks, folds and cursors
Case Conversion (X)
link: https://github.com/jdc0589/CaseConversion
Control + Option + C > Control + Option + S 全小寫下劃線分隔 (ex: read_file)
Control + Option + C > Control + Option + P 首字母大寫 (ex: HighHeels)
Control + Option + C > Control + Option + C 駝峰式命名,首字母小寫 (ex: doSomethingCool)
ColorPicker (X)
link: https://github.com/weslly/ColorPicker
Command + Shift + C
Color Highlighter (X)
link: https://github.com/Monnoroch/ColorHighlighter
把游標移進去之後,會自動把 #FFFFFF 之類的字串變成對應的顏色
Color Scheme - Behave
link: https://github.com/fnky/behave-theme
CSS Completions (X)
link: https://github.com/daneden/sublime-css-completions
適用 .css / .scss裝了 Sass 其實就不需要這個了
link: https://github.com/Kapeli/DashDoc
Control + D用游標所在字詞搜尋 Dash
in Dash: Preferences > General > Global search shorcut -- Shift + Din System Preferences: Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services > Searching > Look Up in Dash -- Control + D
Preferences > Key Bindings - User
[ {"command": "dash_doc", "keys": ["ctrl+d"]}, ]
link: https://github.com/squ1b3r/Djaneiro
請愛用 Control + 空白鍵
Dotfiles Syntax Highlighting
link: https://github.com/mattbanks/dotfiles-syntax-highlighting-st2
Bring ShellScript (Bash) syntax highlighting to dotfiles
EncodingHelper (X)
link: https://github.com/SublimeText/EncodingHelper
Guess encoding of files, show in status bar, convert to UTF-8 from a variete of encodings
Expand Region
link: https://github.com/aronwoost/sublime-expand-region
加強版的 Expand Selection to Scope
Find++ (X)
link: https://github.com/twolfson/FindPlusPlus
Find in current folder, Find in open files...
FuzzyFilePath (X)
link: https://github.com/sagold/FuzzyFilePath
似乎只會搜尋 .sublime-project 內的第一個 project 目錄底下的檔案
Preferences > Package Settings > FuzzyFilePath > Settings - User
{ "extensionsToSuggest": ["html", "js", "css", "gif", "jpg", "png", "eot", "svg", "ttf", "woff", "otf", "json"], "exclude_folders": [ "docker", "locale", "media", "node_modules", "salt", "tmp" ], "auto_trigger": true, "scopes": [ { // python "scope": "source\\.python.*string", "auto": false, "extensions": ["html"], "insertExtension": true, "relative": false, "replace_on_insert": [ ["^/\\w+/templates/", ""], ["^/svapps/\\w+/templates/", ""], ["^/templates/", ""], ] }, { // html "scope": "text\\.html.*string", "auto": false, "extensions": ["js", "css", "png", "jpg"], "insertExtension": true, "relative": false, "replace_on_insert": [ ["/static/(.*)", "{% static '\\1' %}"] ] }, { // JS AMD "scope": "require.*string", "auto": true, "extensions": ["js"], "insertExtension": false, "relative": true, "replace_on_insert": [ // in case bower_components are resolved absolute ["^[\\.\\./]*/bower_components/", ""], // nodejs will load index.js by default, remove ["/index$", ""] ] }, { // js "scope": "\\.js\\s", "auto": false, "extensions": ["js", "json"], "insertExtension": true }, { // json "scope": "source\\.json.*string", "auto": false, "extensions": ["*"], "insertExtension": true, "relative": true }, { // css "scope": "source\\.css.*meta\\.property", "auto": false, "extensions": ["png", "jpg", "gif", "eot", "svg", "ttf", "woff", "otf"], "insertExtension": true, "relative": true }, { // default, for all scopes "scope": ".", "auto": false, "extensions": ["*"], "insertExtension": true } ] }
Preferences > Key Bindings - User
[ {"command": "insert_path", "keys": ["ctrl+t"], "args": {"type": "absolute"}}, ... ]
Generic Config
link: https://github.com/skozlovf/Sublime-GenericConfig
Generic highlighting of the configuration files
link: https://github.com/kemayo/sublime-text-git
Preferences > Package Settings > Git > Settings - User
{ "diff_panel": true, "statusbar_branch": true, "statusbar_status": false }
GitGutter-Edge (X)
link: https://github.com/jisaacks/GitGutter
Preferences > Package Settings > GitGutter > Settings - User
{ "live_mode": true, "focus_change_mode": false, "non_blocking": false, "debounce_delay": 1000, "show_status": "none" }
改用 Modific
link: https://github.com/ehamiter/ST2-GitHubinator
可以在右鍵選單直接開啟檔案在 GitHub 上的 Code / History / Blame 頁面
link: https://github.com/divmain/GitSavvy/
Full git and GitHub integration
link: https://github.com/buaazp/Godef
比 GoSublime 的 goto definition 還準確
$ go get -u github.com/rogpeppe/godef
Google Search
link: https://github.com/nwjlyons/google-search
Search Google for the currently selected text
Google Spell Check (X)
link: https://github.com/noahcoad/google-spell-check
Control + Option + P(or 右鍵選單)
Spell check
建議改成 Control + S
[ {"command": "google_spell_check", "keys": ["ctrl+s"]}, ... ]
改用 KeybardSpellCheck
link: https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime
$ go get -u github.com/nsf/gocode
link: https://github.com/mrmartineau/HTML5
HTMLAttributes (X)
link: https://github.com/agibsonsw/HTMLAttributes
you may need to press Control + Space to display the completions within an opening HTML-tag
HTML Extended (X)
link: https://github.com/orizens/html-extended
HTML-CSS-JS Prettify
link: https://github.com/victorporof/Sublime-HTMLPrettify
Command + Shift + H(or 右鍵選單)
link: https://github.com/clintberry/sublime-text-2-ini
Syntax highlighting for .ini file
Java Script Completions
link: https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/JavaScript%20Completions
JavaScript Next
link: https://github.com/Benvie/JavaScriptNext.tmLanguage
Better JavaScript language definition
link: https://github.com/srusskih/SublimeJEDI
Awesome Python autocompletion with SublimeText 3
Control + Option + G (or CONTROL + 左鍵)
Go to definition
建議改成 Control + G
Control + Option + F (or OPTION + 左鍵)
Find usages
建議改成 Control + F
Preferences > Key Bindings - User
[ {"command": "sublime_jedi_find_usages", "keys": ["ctrl+f"], "context": [{"key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.python - string - comment"}]}, {"command": "sublime_jedi_goto", "keys": ["ctrl+g"], "context": [{"key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.python - string - comment"}]} ]
[ {"command": "sublime_jedi_goto", "modifiers": ["ctrl"], "button": "button1", "press_command": "drag_select"}, {"command": "sublime_jedi_find_usages", "modifiers": ["alt"], "button": "button1", "press_command": "drag_select"} ]
in YOUR_PROJECT.sublime-project
{ "folders": [ { "path": "/Users/vinta/Projects/codebaku-web" }, { "path": "/Users/vinta/Projects/codebaku-hubot" } ], "settings": { "python_interpreter": "/Users/vinta/.pyenv/versions/3.4.3/bin/python3.4", "python_package_paths": [ "/Users/vinta/Dropbox/Developments/virtualenv_codebaku/dist-packages" ] } }
link: https://github.com/SublimeText/jQuery
Snippets for jQuery
link: https://github.com/jlknuth/KeyboardSpellCheck
Control + Alt + K拼字檢查
link: https://github.com/MiroHibler/sublime-keymaps
Control + Option + ?開啟快速鍵列表
link: https://github.com/hypebeast/LineJumper
Move your cursor and select 10 lines at a time.
Fn + 方向鍵游標移動 1 頁
Option + 方向鍵游標移動 n 行
Preferences > Key Bindings - User
[ {"command": "line_jumper", "keys": ["alt+up"], "args": {"number_of_lines": 5, "cmd": "up"}}, {"command": "line_jumper", "keys": ["alt+down"], "args": {"number_of_lines": 5, "cmd": "down"}}, ... ]
Markdown Extended
link: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/sublime-markdown-extended
Supporting GitHub Flavored Markdown
link: https://github.com/gornostal/Modific
Highlight lines changed since the last commit
Open URL (X)
link: https://github.com/noahcoad/open-url
Control + U(or 在 URL 上按右鍵)在瀏覽器開啟游標所在的 URL
Pretty JSON
link: https://github.com/dzhibas/SublimePrettyJson
Formating JSON
$ brew install jq
Preferences > Package Settings > Pretty JSON > Settings - User
{ "indent": 4 }
link: https://github.com/vinta/PyCover
Showing coverage infomation in Sublime Text
link: https://github.com/biermeester/Pylinter
a list of error codes
http://docs.pylint.org/features.htmlPython Improved
link: https://github.com/MattDMo/PythonImproved
A better Python .tmLanguage definition
link: https://github.com/wuub/requirementstxt
Syntax highlighting for requirements.txt
SaltStack-related syntax highlighting and snippets
link: https://github.com/saltstack/sublime-text
Syntax highlighting and snippets for SaltStack
Sass (X)
link: https://github.com/nathos/sass-textmate-bundle
Sass support.
Schemr & Themr (X)
在 Command Palette 快速切換 color scheme 和 theme
Select Quoted
link: https://github.com/int3h/SublimeSelectQuoted
Command + "選擇 "" 或 '' 內的文字
Command + (選擇 () 的文字
Preferences > Key Bindings - User
[ {"command": "expand_selection", "args": {"to": "brackets"}, "keys": ["super+9"]}, ... ]
link: https://github.com/titoBouzout/SideBarEnhancements
link: https://github.com/vinta/sublimall-server
Synchronize your Sublime Text preferences and packages configurations
不過我 fork 了一個版本
加上 deploy 到 Heroku 的功能
$ brew install p7zip
Preferences > Package Settings > Sublimall > Settings - User
{ "email": "[email protected]
", "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY", "7za_path": "/usr/local/bin/7za" }
sublime-github (X)
link: https://github.com/bgreenlee/sublime-github
https://github.com/SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter-xmllint各語言的 coding style 和 syntax 檢查SublimeLinter 3 並不包含 linter,要自己用 Package Control 安裝
$ brew install libxml2 $ gem install scss-lint $ npm install jshint -g $ npm install csslint -g $ pip install flake8 pep8-naming pylint
Preferences > Package Settings > SublimeLinter > Settings - User
{ "user": { "debug": false, "delay": 0.25, "error_color": "D02000", "gutter_theme": "Packages/SublimeLinter/gutter-themes/Default/Default.gutter-theme", "gutter_theme_excludes": [], "lint_mode": "background", "linters": { "annotations": { "@disable": false, "args": [], "errors": [ "FIXME", "TEST" ], "excludes": [], "warnings": [ "TODO", "README" ] }, "flake8": { "@disable": false, "args": [], "builtins": "", "excludes": [], "ignore": "E501", "jobs": "1", "max-complexity": -1, "max-line-length": 79, "select": "" }, "jshint": { "@disable": false, "args": [], "excludes": [] }, "json": { "@disable": false, "args": [], "excludes": [], "strict": true }, "pep8": { "@disable": true, "args": [], "excludes": [], "ignore": "E501", "max-line-length": null, "select": "E226,E241,E242" }, "pylint": { "@disable": true, "args": [], "disable": "C0111,C1001,C0301,E1002,E1101,F0401,R0201,R0903,R0904,R0914,W0611,W0232,W0613", "enable": "", "excludes": [], "paths": [], "rcfile": "", "show-codes": false } }, "mark_style": "fill", "no_column_highlights_line": true, "paths": { "linux": [], "osx": [ "/Users/vinta/.pyenv/versions/2.7.9/bin" ], "windows": [] }, "python_paths": { "linux": [], "osx": [], "windows": [] }, "rc_search_limit": 3, "shell_timeout": 10, "show_errors_on_save": false, "show_marks_in_minimap": false, "syntax_map": { "html (django)": "html", "html (rails)": "html", "html 5": "html", "php": "html", "python django": "python", "pythonimproved": "python" }, "warning_color": "DDB700", "wrap_find": true } }
link: https://github.com/marijnh/tern_for_sublime
Handling autocompletion for JavaScript by tern.js
$ cd "/Users/vinta/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/" $ git clone git://github.com/marijnh/tern_for_sublime.git $ cd tern_for_sublime $ npm install
Preferences > Settings - User
{ "auto_complete": true, "auto_complete_triggers": [ { "selector": "source.js", "characters": "." } ], ... "tern_argument_hints": true, "tern_arguments": [ "--no-port-file" ], "tern_command": [ "/Users/vinta/.nvm/v0.10.32/bin/node", "/Users/vinta/.nvm/v0.10.32/bin/tern" ], ... }
in PROJECT_ROOT/.tern-project
{ "libs": [ "angular", "browser", "jquery" ] }
OPTION + .Go to definition
Theme - Afterglow
link: https://github.com/YabataDesign/afterglow-theme
Theme - itg.flat
link: https://github.com/itsthatguy/theme-itg-flat
link: https://github.com/spadgos/sublime-ToggleQuotes
建議改成 Control + '
link: https://wakatime.com/help/plugins/sublime
Preferences > Key Bindings - User
[ // {"command": "anaconda_doc", "keys": ["ctrl+h"], "context": [{"key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.python"}]}, // {"command": "anaconda_goto", "keys": ["ctrl+g"], "context": [{"key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.python"}]}, // {"command": "anaconda_find_usages", "keys": ["ctrl+f"], "context": [{"key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.python"}]}, {"command": "dash_doc", "keys": ["ctrl+d"]}, {"command": "expand_selection", "keys": ["alt+0"], "args": {"to": "brackets"}}, {"command": "expand_selection", "keys": ["alt+."], "args": {"to": "tag"}}, {"command": "find_under_expand", "keys": ["super+d"]}, {"command": "godef", "keys": ["ctrl+g"], "context": [{"key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.go"}]}, {"command": "google_search", "keys": ["ctrl+q"]}, {"command": "gs_doc", "keys": ["ctrl+h"], "args": {"mode": "hint"}, "context": [{"key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.go"}]}, {"command": "gs_browse_declarations", "keys": ["ctrl+f"], "args": {"dir": "."}, "context": [{"key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.go"}]}, {"command": "gs_inline_diff", "keys": ["ctrl+c"]}, {"command": "gs_show_status", "keys": ["ctrl+s"]}, {"command": "jump_back", "keys": ["alt+s"]}, {"command": "jump_forward", "keys": ["alt+w"]}, {"command": "line_jumper", "keys": ["alt+up"], "args": {"number_of_lines": 5, "cmd": "up"}}, {"command": "line_jumper", "keys": ["alt+down"], "args": {"number_of_lines": 5, "cmd": "down"}}, {"command": "line_jumper", "keys": ["alt+shift+up"], "args": {"number_of_lines": 5, "cmd": "up_select"}}, {"command": "line_jumper", "keys": ["alt+shift+down"], "args": {"number_of_lines": 5, "cmd": "down_select"}}, {"command": "open_dir", "keys": ["alt+f"], "args": {"dir": "$file_path", "file": "$file_name"}}, {"command": "open_file", "keys": ["super+alt+k"], "args":{"file": "${packages}/User/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap", "platform": "OSX"}}, {"command": "reveal_in_side_bar", "keys": ["alt+r"]}, {"command": "select_quoted", "keys": ["alt+'"]}, {"command": "show_overlay", "keys": ["super+e"], "args": {"overlay": "goto", "text": ":"}}, {"command": "show_overlay", "keys": ["super+t"], "args": {"overlay": "goto", "text": "#"}}, {"command": "show_python_coverage", "keys": ["ctrl+x"]}, {"command": "side_bar_project_open_file", "keys": ["super+alt+p"]}, {"command": "sublime_jedi_find_usages", "keys": ["ctrl+f"], "context": [{"key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.python - string - comment"}]}, {"command": "sublime_jedi_goto", "keys": ["ctrl+g"], "context": [{"key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.python - string - comment"}]}, {"command": "spell_check", "keys": ["ctrl+t"]} ]</div> </div> 原文 http://vinta.ws/code/must-have-sublime-text-packages.html