基于Web的LDAP客户端程序 - web2ldap 1.1.2 发布
openkk 13年前
<p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958326823361989457" target="_blank">web2ldap </a>1.1.2 发布了,web2ldap 是一个全功能的基于Web的LDAP客户端程序,采用Python语言编写,支持LDAPv3。web2ldap可以运行在支持 FastCGI 的Web 服务器中。</p> <p>Changelog:</p> <p>1. Search assertion values are normalized via plugin classes if the accompanying search_mode is not a substring search. <br /> 2. This release fixes a regression bug that accidentally<span class="truncate_more"> deleted binary/non-human-readable attributes (e.g. jpegPhoto or userCertificate;binary) when modifying an entry. <br /> 3. There is a stricter regex pattern for checking values of LDAP syntax OID</span></p>