Qt 5.0 Beta 2 发布

jopen 12年前

Qt 5.0 Beta 2发布。Qt 5.0的最终版本预计年底发布。

Qt 5.0 Beta 2 发布

Qt是一个跨平台的C++应用程序开发框架。广泛用于开发GUI程序,这种情况下又被称为部件工具箱。也可用于开发非GUI程序,比如控制台工具和服务器。经过多年发展,Qt不但拥有了完善的C++ 图形库,而且近年来的版本逐渐集成了数据库、OpenGL库、多媒体库、网络、 脚本库、XML库、WebKit库等等,其核心库也加入了 进程间通信、多线程等模块,极大的丰富了Qt开发大规模复杂跨平台应用程序的能力,真正意义上实现了其研发宗旨“Code Less; Create More; Deploy Anywhere.”。

A Full Release – Qt 5.0 Throughout

A lot of work has happened since the Beta 1 towards bringing Qt 5 closer to a final release. One of the biggest differences is that this Qt 5.0 release includes not only the Qt libraries, but also the tools. Qt Creator 2.6 based on Qt 5.0 is now bundled together with Qt 5.0 to make it a full complete release. It also helps us in testing and verifying the quality of Qt 5.

This release will only support Qt 5.0, but we will later examine whether and how we can add Qt 4.x support to it.

In addition, it shows that Qt 5 is a good and mature release with a very high degree of compatibility with Qt 4.x. Qt Creator can currently be built both against Qt 4.8 and 5.0 from a single code base. This proves that Qt 5.0 is almost fully source-compatible with Qt 4.8.

Qt 5.0 功能

With Qt 5.0 Beta 2, we have now finalized the list of modules and packages that will be part of the 5.0 final release. Qt 5.0 will contain the following libraries:


Qt Essentials

  • Qt Core
  • Qt Network
  • Qt Gui
  • Qt Sql
  • Qt Testlib
  • Qt Widgets
  • Qt Qml
  • Qt Quick
  • Qt Multimedia
  • Qt WebKit
  • Qt WebKit Widgets


Qt Add-ons

  • Qt Xml
  • Qt XmlPatterns
  • Qt Svg
  • Qt Concurrent
  • Qt Printsupport
  • Qt DBus
  • Qt OpenGL
  • Qt ActiveQt
  • Qt Graphical Effects
  • Qt Script
  • Qt Declarative
  • Qt Image Formats


Tools and other functionality

  • Qt Assistant
  • Qt Linguist
  • Qt Designer
  • Qt Translations
  • Qt Creator
  • Qt Documentation


As you can see, there is a lot of functionality included in Qt 5.0., but some modules like Qt 3D have been excluded from this release. However, they are still available from qt-project.org and you can use them together with Qt 5.0.


Known Issues

As this is a beta, it still has some known issues. First of all, there is still a major overhaul of the documentation planned for Qt 5.0 that didn’t make it into this beta, so you can still expect some larger changes in this area. Apart from that, there’s a lot of smaller known issues. An up-to-date list can be found at http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt500beta2KnownIssues



Because this release bundles the libraries and the tools, it should now make it very easy for everybody to get started with Qt 5.0 and try it out on their own project. Please go ahead, try it out on your project and give us your feedback so that we can fix as many issues as possible for the final 5.0 release.

I encourage you to download Qt 5.0 Beta 2 from the http://qt-project.org/downloads site or from http://qt.digia.com/Try-Qt-Now/