Java异步消息传递框架,Errai 2.0 发布
jopen 13年前
<p><img alt="Java异步消息传递框架,Errai 2.0 发布" src="" width="200" height="90" /> <img alt="Java异步消息传递框架,Errai 2.0 发布" src="" width="347" height="86" /></p> <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958183613970694702" target="_blank">Errai</a>是JBoss开发的一个基于GWT的框架,使用下一代WEB技术,用于构建富客户端应用。该框架构建在ErraiBus基础上,为客户端与服务器的异步消息传递提供了一个真正统一的消息基础设施。</p> <p>经过几个月的开发,对一些 API 进行了大幅的调整之后,Errai 团队今天发布了 2.0 的正式版。该版本主要改进内容:</p> <ul> <li>Errai eliminates the need for boilerplate code and configuration in several areas, including entry points, remote services, UiBinder, and more.</li> <li>Errai brings some of parts of Java EE 6 to the browser: CDI (standardized IoC and eventing) and a typesafe JAX-RS client. A JPA 2.0 implementation is on the way in 2.1!</li> <li>Errai includes a simpler-to-use and more flexible marshalling and RPC system</li> <li>Errai provides a client-server message bus with bidirectional push messaging (much of the above is based on Errai's Bus, and you can choose to use the bus API directly in your code).</li> <li>Errai is guided by the belief not only that a uniform programming model across client and server is a big advantage, but that it's also advantageous to share significant parts of your code base between the client tier and the server tier</li> </ul> <div> 而下一个版本将是 2.1 ,主要计划实现下面几个方面: </div> <div> <ul> <li>部分支持 JPA 2.0</li> <li>符合 <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958339465041318229" target="_blank">MVP 模式</a>的数据绑定模块</li> <li>A <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958339465845755746" target="_blank">Jackson</a> -compatible marshalling mode in Errai Marshalling when used with the JAX-RS client.</li> <li>对移动平台的支持。这里已经有一些 <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958339466639128112" target="_blank">演示</a> </li> </ul> </div>