PHP论坛系统 OmegaBB 0.9 发布
jopen 13年前
<p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958348777980548413" target="_blank">OmegaBB </a>是一个使用 Ajax 技术实现的论坛软件,提供近乎实时的消息版,tab标签方式的论坛浏览用于快速和轻松的导航,边栏提供所监控信息的更新等。<br /> - AJAX design which creates a very fast interface<br /> - notification on a side panel when any of your watched threads gets a new post<br /> - public and private threads<br /> - private messaging between users<br /> - moderation: delete post, ban user, close thread, make thread sticky, etc<br /> - file attachments <br /> - off-site image embedding and 油Tube video embedding<br /> - extensive customization options<br /> - captchas: may set captchas at new account creation, new user posting <br /> - user list: may be filtered by online status, banned users, moderator list<br /> - block list: user may block specified users from communicating with them or posting in their threads<br /> - user profiles<br /> - multiple themes that change colors/layout of site<br /> - supports Unicode character set<br /> - facilities for translating system messages into your language<br /> - quotation feature<br /> - ability to edit posts <br /> - word filter<br /> - articles/wiki system<br /> - "Connect With 非死book" login option</p> <p>OmegaBB 0.9 发布,该版本增加了文件附件的功能,更多的 非死book 集成选项,更多的维护动作,系统日志面板,自动关闭非活动贴以及提供更多的配置项。<br /> </p> <p></p> <img style="border-bottom:#021a40 1px solid;border-left:#021a40 1px solid;padding-bottom:1px;padding-left:1px;padding-right:1px;border-top:#021a40 1px solid;border-right:#021a40 1px solid;padding-top:1px;" alt=" PHP论坛系统 OmegaBB" src="" width="400" height="281" /> <img style="border-bottom:#021a40 1px solid;border-left:#021a40 1px solid;padding-bottom:1px;padding-left:1px;padding-right:1px;border-top:#021a40 1px solid;border-right:#021a40 1px solid;padding-top:1px;" alt=" PHP论坛系统 OmegaBB" src="" width="400" height="281" />