数据虚拟化平台 Teiid 7.6 Beta1 发布

jopen 13年前
     <p>Teiid是一个数据虚拟化系统,让应用程序使用来自多个异构数据存储的数据。</p>    <p>Teiid由一堆工具,组件和创建和执行双向数据的服务所组成。通过抽象和联合、数据存取和集成的实时分布式数据源,无需进行复制或以其他方式移动数据系统的纪录。<br /> <span style="font-weight:bold;">项目地址</span>:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958183978056190836" target="_blank">http://www.jboss.org/teiid</a><br /> </p>    <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958192528269954590">7.6 Beta1</a> 发布了,该版本在内存管理方面做了很多改进,包括:</p>    <ul>     <li><strong>修正的内存缓冲区</strong> - A serialization buffer will be allocated to increase disk through-put.  It is also managed as a second tier cache.  You may optionally configure the size and set it to use off-heap memory - which is especially useful for dealing with larger amounts (typically 32BG+) of memory from the VM.  The memory buffer also allows for better disk usage based upon fixed allocation blocks vs. the old Teiid scheme which used a file per table/tuple buffer.</li>     <li><strong>并发 LRFU</strong> - the main eviction algorithm was further refined to be concurrent and to better handle table work loads.</li>     <li><strong>许多性能的提升</strong> - batch size estimation, serialization, and value type resolution were all improved.</li>    </ul>    <p>另外你还可以配置默认的查询超时时间,包括服务器端和 VDB。</p>    <br />    <p><img title="数据虚拟化平台 Teiid 7.6 Beta1 发布" border="0" alt="数据虚拟化平台 Teiid 7.6 Beta1 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/860ccbcc93da5ee471a969fa55055155.png" width="414" height="336" /></p>