Visual Studio Code 0.5.0 版本发布

jopen 10年前

Visual Studio Code 是一个运行于 OS X,Windows 和 Linux 之上的,针对于编写现代 web 和云应用的跨平台编辑器。该应用仍然处于预览版阶段,但是你现在就可以在这里下载体验。

这标志着 Microsoft 第一次向开发者们提供了一款真正的跨平台编辑器。虽然完整版的 Visual Studio 仍然是只能运行在 Windows 之上,但是今天的声明向我们展示了这家公司对于支持其他计算机平台的承诺。

Visual Studio Code 0.5.0 版本发布

微软的编程软件 Visual Studio Code 由 0.3.0 更新到 0.5.0 版本,下载地址:



  • Several updates to how we handle files, including file and folder filtering in the explorer, opening files via the command line at a specific line number, re-using an existing instance when you open multiple files, ability to control the size of the working files list.

  • Improved editor options that include support for removing trailing whitespace, improved search patterns with include/exclude filters.

  • Significant JavaScript updates including ES6 support, jsconfig.json, improved /// reference management, additional workspace settings

  • Git enhancements, including an integrated credential prompt, multi-line commit message support and improved control over auto-fetch

  • User-defined snippets support, and more built in snippets for common languages, i.e., Dockerfiles, Python, and Rust.

  • Debugger enhancements including watch expressions, and improved Node.js breakpoint and source map support.

  • Other Stuff: Proxy support, auto-update enabled for Mac and Windows, notable bug fixes