PHP安全通信库,PHP Secure Communications Library 0.3.5 发布

jopen 12年前

PHP Secure Communications Library是 DES, 3DES, RC4, Rijndael, AES, RSA (PKCS#1 compliant [v2.1]), SSH-1, SSH-2, 和 SFTP的纯PHP实现。

发布说明: 此版本增加了大量的SFTP变化 (the new functions touch, chown, chgrp, and truncate, improved file type detection, put() which can write to the middle of a file, mkdir which accepts the same parameters which PHP's mkdir does, the ability to upload/download 2GB files, and an (internal) redo _realpath function), across-the-board speedups for the various encryption algorithms, multi-factor authentication support for Net_SSH2, a $callback parameter for Net_SSH2::exec \, and Net_SFTP_StreamWrapper, Net_SCP, Crypt_Twofish, and Crypt_Blowfish.