WildFly 10 CR 2 发布 - Java EE 7, Java 8, Hibernate 5, JavaScript 支持热加载

jopen 9年前

WildFly 10 CR 2 发布了,这也是最终正式版之前的最后一个测试版本。正式版将于 10 月份发布。该版本最值得关注的是对 Java EE 7 规范的支持,实现了完整的 Java EE 7 规范以及 Web Profile 标准。


  • Java 7 support has been discontinued allowing for deeper integration with the Java 8 runtime. While Java 9 is still in development, this release runs on the current development snapshots.

  •  WildFly 10 CR2 includes the ActiveMQ Artemis project as its JMS broker, and due to the protocol compatibility, it fully replaces the HornetQ project.

  • In addition to the offline CLI support (WildFly 9) for standalone mode, you can now launch a host-controller locally within the CLI. 

  • WildFly 10 includes the Undertow JS project, which allows you to write server side scripts that can pull in CDI beans and JPA Entity Beans. Learn more in this blog-post by Stuard Douglas.

  • WildFly 10 adds the ability to deploy a given application as a "singleton deployment" with automatic failover to another node in case of failure.

  •  HA Singleton MDBs and MDB Delivery Groups.

  • WildFly now pools stateless session beans by default, using a pool size that is computed relative to the size of the IO worker pool, which is itself auto-tuned to match system resources. 

  • Migration Operations for old subsystems such as jbossweb (AS 7.1), jacorb (WildFly 8), and hornetq (WildFly 9)

  • Hibernate 5 included

下载 WildFly CR2 from the wildfly.org 解压到指定目录,进入 bin 目录执行:

$ standalone.sh|bat


08:09:58,353 INFO  [org.jboss.as] (Controller Boot Thread) Full 10.0.0.CR2 (WildFly Core 2.0.0.CR5) started in 3686ms

打开浏览器访问 http://localhost:8080 就可以,也可以看到全新的管理控制台:http://localhost:9990
