Motor 0.3.2 发布,Python和Tornado的异步MongoDB驱动器
jopen 10年前
今天Motor的 0.3.2 版本发布,Motor是Python和Tornado的异步MongoDB驱动器。这次发布兼容MongoDB 2.2, 2.4, 和 2.6。它需要 PyMongo 2.7.1.
这次发布修复 a socket leak in the "copy_database" method 自Motor 0.2以来一直存在。Evidently Motor users don't call "copy_database" much. I've written about the bug and lessons learned in "Let Us Now Praise ResourceWarnings".
Get the latest version with pip install --upgrade motor
. The documentation is on ReadTheDocs. If you encounter any issues, please file them in Jira.