Android-x86 4.4 RC2 发布

jopen 11年前

Android-x86是将谷歌安卓移动操作系统移植到采用因特尔及AMD的x86处理器的设备上运行的非正式的尝试性项目,该系统并非基于RISC的ARM芯片。该计划始于对安卓源代码的一系列补丁,以让安卓能运行在各种各样的上网本和超便携移动个人电脑上,尤其是华硕的Eee PC。

Android-x86 4.4-RC2 (KitKat-x86)   2014/05/20

The is happy to announce the 4.4-RC2 release to public. This is the second candidate of Android-x86 4.4 stable release. A live CD ISO is available in the following site:

Key Features

The 4.4-RC2 release is based on the Android 4.4.2 (KitKat-MR1 release) with a lot of x86 specified code to let the system runs smoothly on x86 platforms, especially for netbooks or tablets. Except the features and bugfixes since 4.4-RC1, there are more features include
  • Update to stable kernel 3.10.40 with more bugfixes.
  • Automatically mount ntfs/exfat/ext4 in the external storages (usbdisk/sdcard).
  • Enhance the sensors support including Intel sensor-hub and Pegatron Lucid Tablet Accelerometer.
  • Add launcher and file manager from CyanogenMod.
  • Add 5-point touch calibration app from 0xdroid.
  • Improve suspend and resume functions.
  • Add rtl8723au wifi driver.

Released File

We tried to create a universal image for most x86 platforms for the kitkat-x86 release. The plan is still in an experimental stage. Please report bugs to the android-x86 forum with detailed specs of your machine and error logs.
  • android-x86-4.4-RC2.iso 

    sha1sum: 3b7acd23d3feb87ed13a2c5f489ea1a3f254f809

The iso file is hybrid format. That means you can dump the iso into a usb drive and get a bootable usb stick, like

$ dd if=android-x86-4.4-RC2.iso of=/dev/sdX

where /dev/sdX is the device name of your usb drive.

Known issues

  • Suspend and resume may not work on some systems.
  • The installer can't format ext3 filesystem.

Source code

The source code is available in the main git server,

    $ repo init -u -b kitkat-x86
    $ repo sync

Read this page for how to compile the source code.

</span></div> Download (MD5): android-x86-4.4-RC2.iso (332MB).
