Gentoo Linux 20121221 发布,面向开发人员Linux发行
Gentoo Linux是一套通用的、快捷的、完全免费的Linux发行,它面向开发人员和网络职业人员。与其他发行不同的是,Gentoo Linux拥有一套先进的包管理系统叫作Portage。在BSD ports的传统中,Portage是一套真正的自动导入系统,然而Gentoo里的Portage是用Python编写的,并具它有很多先进的特性,包括文件依赖、精细的包管理、OpenBSD风格的虚拟安装,安全卸载,系统框架文件、虚拟软件包、配置文件管理等等。
Robin Johnson has announced the release of Gentoo Linux 20121221, an up-to-date live DVD showcasing the current cutting-edge state of the popular source-based distribution:
" Gentoo Linux is proud to announce the availability of a new live DVD to celebrate the continued collaboration between Gentoo users and developers, ready to rock the end of the world (or at least southern solstice). The live DVD features a superb list of packages: Linux kernel 3.6.8, X.Org Server 1.12.4, KDE 4.9.4, GNOME 3.4.2, Xfce 4.10, Fluxbox 1.3.2, Firefox 17.0.1, LibreOffice 3.6.4, GIMP 2.8.2, Blender 2.64a, Amarok 2.6.0, MPlayer 2.2.0, Chromium 24.0.1312.35 and much more. There is no new FAQ or artwork the 20121221 release, but you can still get the 12.0 artwork plus DVD cases and covers for the 12.0 release. Special features: ZFSOnLinux; writable file systems using Aufs so you can emerge new packages."
The release announcement. Download: livedvd-x86-amd64-32ul-20121221.iso (3,913MB, SHA256), livedvd-amd64-multilib-20121221.iso (4,004MB, SHA256).