基于Ubuntu的DVD发行,UberStudent 2.0.4 发布

jopen 12年前

基于Ubuntu的DVD发行,UberStudent 2.0.4 发布
UberStudent(uber在拉丁语中是能干、多产之意)是基于Ubuntu的DVD发行,它被设计为在高等教育或高级中等教育场合学习及讲授大学 计算机课程之用。UberStudent带有面向日常计算任务的软件,并带有一套核心程序组件,以用于教授及简化在所有大学科目中高成就学生所共有的工作 和习惯。终身的学习者和任何类型的知识工作者将同样获益。UberStudent由免费的Moodle虚拟学习环境所支持。

Stephen Ewen has announced the release of UberStudent 2.0.4, an Ubuntu-based live distribution with software for learning and teaching at the higher education and advanced secondary levels: "After many months of hard work, I'm pleased to announce the immediate availability of UberStudent 2.0.4. As many are already aware, Linux desktop environments have undergone a period of significant change since UberStudent 1.0 was released. GNOME took a hard turn towards the tablet market, injecting much discontent among users, a few forks, and a few new projects, only one which is mature, Unity, which has both its fans and haters (I myself dislike it). UberStudent 2.0.4 retains a traditional desktop environment by choice. Both Xfce and MATE are boot options, with Xfce being the default. I won't bore you with further descriptions. You can take the tour</a>. And you might do well to read the release notes.</span>" Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download: uberstudent-2.0.4-desktop-amd64.iso (3,562MB, MD5).
基于Ubuntu的DVD发行,UberStudent 2.0.4 发布