你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

jopen 11年前

MooTools是一个简洁,模块化,面向对象的JavaScript框架。它能够帮助你更快,更简单地编写可扩展和兼容性强的 JavaScript代 码。 Mootools从Prototype.js中汲取了许多有益的设计理念,语法也和其极其类似。但它提供的功能要比Prototype.js多,整体设计 也比Prototype.js要相对完善,功能更强大,比如增加了动画特效、拖放操作等。

1. MooPlay

MooPlay is the HTML5 video player that has progress bars, volume controls, time stamps that actually work.

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2. CwCrop

CwCrop is mootool plugin that provides you with an easy to use interface for enabling you to crop photos live online.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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3. The Wall

The Wall is a plugin that takes few images, throws them together and makes the whole area easily draggable. When you click the link it takes you to the page where you will see million different possible applications that you will simply love.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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4. mForm

mForm is a mooTool that helps you make your forms and form elements visually appealing and user-friendly.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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5. Mailcheck

Mailcheck is a mooTool that doubles checks email addresses and makes suggestions if it thinks there is a typo like the one in the image below.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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6. SpellShow

SpellShow is a mooTool plugin that takes a chunk of text and fades it in one letter at a time. This is a smart plugin if you need a reveal text effect.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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7. jsMultipleSelect

This is a mooTool plugin that helps create a multiple selection where you can have multiple option boxes adding values into one destination box. Besides, users can change the behavior of the option boxes.

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8. PillMenu

PillMenu is a simple Mootool class that help you add a nice effect to your menu.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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9. FloatingTips

FloatingTips is a MooTools plugin that helps in creating floating balloon tips that appears when hovering an element.

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10. MooComplete

MooComplete is a plugin that when applied to text field for automatic text completion thereby updating a drop down list live as the user types.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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11. MooGallery 

MooGallery plugin helps users in turning a list of images into a gallery with a clickable lightbox effect.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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12. FancySortable

FancySortable is a simple MooTools that creates a sortable list with fancy effects.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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13. ScrollGallery

ScrollGallery is a JavaScript gallery that is created using MooTools framework. In the upper part you can see a preview of the images that can be scrolled horizontally.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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14. Mosaic

Mosaic is a mooTool plugin that helps create a snake-like effect morphing sub-patterns of an image.

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15. MoogressBar

MoogressBar is a great looking progress bar that comes with optional animations and finish events.

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16. LightFace

LightFace is a clone of 非死book’s modal dialog. This plugin offers number of options for customizing each modal instance. Besides, this plugin provides utility classes specially designed to work with AJAX requests, IFrames, and images.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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17. gniusBackground

This plugin displays full-screen background images automatically adjusting to the browser width while keeping their aspect ratio and maintaining its quality.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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18. TableSorter

TableSorter is a plugin that helps you build tables with column headers that when clicked will help you sort the items within the table.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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19. Tab

Tab is a minimalistic and extensible tab swapper. This plugin can be used for creating a tab swapper and as a galerie slideshow.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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20. FloatBox

Flatbox is a simple light-box wrapper that comes with a clean cross-browser design.

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21. MooImageTip

MooImageTip is a MooTool plugin helps display image tooltips when users rollover links and thumbnails.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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22. Korx.Cycler

Korx.Cycler is a MooTools plugin that lets users create a user interface control which cycles through elements.

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23. FancySelect

FancySelect is a image drop down menu that accommodates texts and icons.

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24. Nivoo Slider 

Nivoo-Slider is an image gallery that runs on MooTools. It features 18 different transition effects.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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25. Zoomer 

Zoomer is a simple image zoom class that shows you the zoomed image inside original.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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26. Carousel

Carousel is an extensible mootool with dynamic elements addition and removal.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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27. mooTagify

mooTagify is a MooTools plugin that lets users get easily enter and edit tags including AJAX look-ups or pre-defined arrays of answers.

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28. Dv Tabs

DV Tabs is a mootool plugin that helps draw tabs using small MooTools dcript and CSS only.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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29. Simple MooTools TabPane Component

This is a simple MooTools class for creating a tab pane.

你应该试用的最好 MooTools 插件

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 30. Floom

Floom is an extendible blinds-like slideshow widget for MooTools 1.2+ for developers.

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