前20名最好的免费Shortcodes WordPress插件

jopen 11年前


  • 短代码是添加在文章内容中的特殊标签,类似一些论坛的UBB代码,、[mylink][/mylink]等等(去掉 ['gallery]中的单引号),注意到如果在文章内容中写入,去掉其中的单引号,那么在可视化模式下,将会变成一个相册区域,这 就是段代码。
  • 在预览或者插件文章的时候,短代码将会被替换成某一具体内容,比如上面一点的

1. Shortcodes Ultimate

With this plugin you can easily create tabs, buttons, boxes, different sliders, responsive videos and much, much more. Turn your free theme to premium in just a few clicks. Using Shortcodes Ultimate you can quickly and easily retrieve premium themes features and display it on your site. See screenshots for more information.

Know More : 40+ Reasons Shortcodes Ultimate Is A Must Have Plugin

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2. Easy Bootstrap Shortcode

Easy Bootstrap Shortcode enable you to add bootstrap 3.0.3 styles in your pages, post and custom post in simplest manner. Just by one setting, you can use bootstrap styles in your themes, which are not bootstrap based themes using Bootstrap Shortcodes.

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3. WordPress Shortcodes

An amazing free set of great elements for your site: SEO-ready tabs, sections, buttons, links to any content, author cards, lists, layouts and more!

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4. Theme Blvd Shortcodes

This plugin works in conjuction with the Theme Blvd framework to create shortcodes for many of the framework’s internal elements.

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5. Column Shortcodes

Adds shortcodes to easily create columns in your posts or pages.

Sometimes you just need to divide your page into different columns. With this plugin you just select a column shortcode and it will add the column to the page. You can also change the padding of each individual column from the UI.

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6. J Shortcodes

J Shortcodes allows you to add custom buttons, content boxes, tabs and accordion panels, build call to action and information boxes. You can choose color, size and shape for any of these elements.

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7. Shortcode Exec PHP

Using this plugin you can execute arbitrary PHP code using shortcodes in your posts, pages, comments, widgets and RSS feeds, just like manually defined shortcodes. The shortcodes and associated PHP code are defined using the settings of this plugin. It is possible to parse and use shortcode parameters and to use shortcode content. Defined shortcodes can be deleted and disabled.

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8. Shortcoder

Create custom “Shortcodes” with HTML, Javascript snippets stored in it and use that shortcode within posts and pages. Check the demo video.

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9. WP Canvas – Shortcodes

A family of shortcodes to enhance your site functionality.

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11. My Shortcodes

Highly flexible shortcode builder environment. dedicated areas for template view, javascript input, custom PHP library, external/CDN css and javascript sources. This enables you to render the page or posts with the requires scripts and styles to be placed where it belongs. not all in the shortcode replace area.

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12. ShortCodes UI

This Plugin adds an admin UI for creating shortcodes without the need to code, edit code, or even know code.

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13. Arconix Shortcodes

With this plugin you can easily add various kinds of styled boxes, buttons, tabs, accordions, unordered lists and more. Choose from the supplied options or advanced users can easily add their own by extending the built-in styles.

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14. Shortcodes Pro

Shortcodes Pro allows quick and easy creation of WordPress shortcodes and TinyMCE rich editor buttons from the comfort of the WordPress interface.

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15. amr shortcode any widget

Include any widget in a page for any theme. [do_widget widgetname ] or [do_widget "widget name" ] or include a whole widget area [do_widge

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16. Squelch Tabs and Accordions Shortcodes

After you have installed the plugin you can use simple shortcodes on any page or post to add tabs or accordions.

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17. Custom Content Shortcode

From a single field to entire pages, Custom Content Shortcode is a set of commands to display content where you need.

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18. Shortcode Menu

This plugin gives more flexibility for custom menu. Shortcodes will be used to show your menu in the Sidebars, Footer Sidebars, Posts or Pages. Using shortcode you can customize the menu attributes. Also you can set your custom id or class to a menu. You can display ordered list menu as well.

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19. Rotating Tweets (推ter widget and shortcode)

推ter widget and shortcode to show your latest tweets one at a time an animated rotation

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20. Google Map Shortcode

This plugin allows to include instances of Google Maps in your blogs with a simple editor button. You can insert maps everywhere: in your theme files, posts and pages. The points can include custom title, description, marker and thumbnail. The plugin is designed to allow multiple interactions with the users: Animations, Slideshows, Scrolls and more.

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