HAProxy 1.6.0 发布

jopen 9年前


prlease find here the official announce: [ANNOUNCE] haproxy-1.6.0 now released!.

In his mail, Willy detailed all the features that have been added to this release. The purpose of this blog article is to highlight a few of them, providing the benefits and some configuration examples.

NOTE: Most of the features below were already backported and integrated into our HAProxy Enterprise and ALOHA products.

HAProxy Enterprise is our Open Source version of HAProxy based on HAProxy community stable branch where we backport many features from dev branch and we package it to make the most stable, reliable, advanced and secured version of HAProxy. It also comes with third party software to fill the gap between a simple HAProxy process and a load-balancer (VRRP, syslog, SNMP, Route Health Injection, etc…). Cherry on the cake, we provide “enterprise” support on top of it.

NOTE 2: the list of new features introduced here is not exhaustive. Example are proposed in a quick and dirty way to teach you how to start with the feature. Don’t run those examples in production