
jopen 10年前

1. Parsedown

Parsedown is a very useful Markdown parser which has been made with PHP to add in your applications. It is quick and reliable, uses GitHub-flavored Markdown, and provides a Markdown Additional extension.

2. PHPCheckStyle

PHPCheckstyle is an open-source tool that aids PHP programmers follow to definite coding resolutions. The tool checks the input PHP source code and reports any hindrances against the given standards. It is very beneficial for those who are just novices and want a simple approach to get acquaint with the World of PHP testing and analysis.

3. Php Sandbox

A complete PHP 5.3.2+ sandbox class that uses PHPParser to stop sandboxed code from running hazardous code. It also employs FunctionParser to undo callables which are to be passed to the sandbox, so that PHP callables can also be execute in sandboxes without first changing them into strings.

4. Sabberworm

Sabberworm is a Parser for CSS Files specially transcribed in PHP. It lets abstraction of CSS files into a data structure, management of said arrangement and output as enhanced CSS.

5. PHP Analyzer

PHP Analyzer completes the identical analyses that a compiler would like for example type inference or other flow analyses, confirming that each and every coding line and every possible implementation path are tested. This specific analyzer performs inside flow, type and other similar examines, the output is a solid report on how to advance your code & pact with bugs.

6. PHP Textile

This is a fresh Textile markup language parser for PHP where Textile is a gentle web text generator that takes frivolous, understandable, plaintext like markup language and translates it into well-formed HTML code.

7. PHP HTML Parser

PHPHtmlParser is a flexible and easy-to-use html parser which lets you choose tags via any css selector, like jQuery. The aim of this tool is to help in the tools development which needs a swift, stress-free way to scrap html, whether it is effective or not!