Python 交互式可视化库,Bokeh 0.9.3 发布
Bokeh (Bokeh.js) 是一个 Python 交互式可视化库,支持现代化 Web 浏览器,提供非常完美的展示功能。Bokeh 的目标是使用 D3.js 样式提供优雅,简洁新颖的图形化风格,同时提供大型数据集的高性能交互功能。Boken 可以快速的创建交互式的绘图,仪表盘和数据应用。
* Support horizontal or vertical spans
* Provide raw_components version of bokeh.embed.components
* Prevent Bokeh from eating scroll events if wheel tool is not active
* bokeh.models.actions are now called bokeh.models.callbacks and Callback is now CustomJS
* Additional validation warnings
* Cleaned up gulp source mapping
* Fixes in our build machinery
* Cleaned up models section of the reference guide
* Use pytest instead of nose
* Beginning to add selenium tests
* bug 修复:
- #1863 [docs] Docs - images overlapping at certain viewports
- #2413 Datetimetickformatter format attr ignores %n %t chars
- #2486 Test_matrix errors
- #2508 [starter] Multiple select doesn't work on linked_tap_server example
- #2515 [docs] Doc: broken plots in examples
- #2518 [docs] Clarify docstrings on timeseries
- #2533 Compat/seaborn/ is broken
- #2559 Support camelcase css names
- #2631 [bokehjs] Dropdown always returning the last menu item
- #2645 [bokehjs] Fix previewsavetool dom elements not being removed
- #2651 [docs] Sphinxcontrib-napoleon extension loaded incorrectly
- #2658 [docs] Fix typo in legend user guide: s/p.grid/p.legend/
- #2664 [bokehjs] Inconsistent handling of `null` in common/
- #2665 Gear.{angle,module} have their types mixed up
- #2669 [docs] Broken link for css colors
- #2674 [bokehjs] [regression] Renderers are still sorted improperly
- #2682 Updating glyph style from javascript not working
- #2690 [docs] Fix typo on image glyph docstring
- #2698 Plot.text(legend="") results in console traceback and clipped legend rendering
- #2708 [docs] Fix typo in example code of server deployment docu
- #2709 [bokehjs] (0.9.3) bokehjs not loading in ipython notebook
- #2712 [examples] Fixes for the us_marriage example
- #2728 [bokehjs] Html escaping in hovertool not working
- #2742 [build] Fix upload of js and css into the cdn
- #2755 [bokehjs] Components on multiple objects duplicates objects in all_models
- #2767 [tests] Fix comflict (not merge conflict) because of those inter-related prs
- #2770 Remove hash from elementid
- #2773 [tests] Disable canteen and xfail integration test
- #2779 Hotfix/taptool not responding to callback
* 新特性:
- #1238 [starter] Support horizontal or vertical spans (similar to aaxhspan/axvspan in matplotlib)
- #2392 Alerts for the "white screen of death"
- #2455 Active tab not reflected
- #2537 [examples] Interactive example: u.s. marriages and divorces chart with tooltips
- #2614 Add a warning for : in categorical strings
- #2625 Add background fill properties for legend
- #2626 Add channels to "extra" section in meta.yaml
- #2627 Make raw_components version of bokeh.embed.components
- #2671 [bokehjs] [build] Clean up gulp source mapping
- #2739 Do not zoom if boxzoomtool selects range <= 5 pixels
* 任务:
- #1984 [tests] Investigate the use pytest instead of nose
- #2117 [docs] Mention nonselection_glyph and selection_glyph options in tools documentation
- #2419 not deleting pycs
- #2499 Use bokeh.$ in server test template tab_play?
- #2544 [docs] Docstring for hovertool needs updating as does now work with line
- #2581 [docs] Columndatasource.from_df class method doesn't return columndatasource instance
- #2609 Hotfix/fix docs
- #2612 [docs] Server error
- #2613 [docs] Small changes to development documentation
- #2642 Add aliases to --build_js/--install_js in
- #2650 Fix to take version into the fab deploy script
- #2654 [docs] Clean up models section of reference guide
- #2660 [build] Add support for --build-dir argument to gulp build
- #2668 Remove the data tables example from plotting
- #2691 Better hit testing for quads
- #2697 Transfer demos from digital ocean to aws
- #2703 Prevent bokeh from eating scroll events if wheel tool isn't active
- #2706 Setting node to current stable (0.12) on travisci
- #2714 [build] Change binstar to anaconda after some name changes in the anaconda stuff
- #2718 [tests] Added mocha test for wheel event propagation
- #2726 [tests] Task/selenium tests
- #2727 [branches] [tests] Broke out into functions for more testable code
- #2735 [branches] Added simple test to show that tz always uses utc
- #2778 [examples] Collect hotfix for examples and release highlights