Java多播通讯框架 JGroups 3.0.11/3.1.0 发布

jopen 13年前
   <div id="p_fullcontent" class="detail">     <p>JGroups是一个可靠的群组通讯Java工具包。它基于IP组播(IP multicast),但在可靠性,组成员管理上对它作了扩展。</p>     <div id="tf_edit_html_title" class="tf_edit_html_title">     JGroups的可靠性体现在:     </div>     <p>1,对所有接收者的消息的无丢失传输(通过丢失消息的重发)<br /> 2,大消息的分割传输和重组<br /> 3,消息的顺序发送和接收<br /> 4,原子性:消息要么被所有接收者接收,要么全不</p>     <div id="tf_edit_html_title" class="tf_edit_html_title">     JavaGroups的成员关系管理体现在:     </div>     <p>1,可以知道组内有哪些成员<br /> 2,成员的加入,离开,掉线等的通知</p>     <div id="tf_edit_html_title" class="tf_edit_html_title">     JavaGroups的主要功能特征:     </div>     <p>- 组的创建与删除。组成员能在LAN或WAN环境内互相发送消息<br /> - 组的成员加入或离开<br /> - 组成员的检测和通知:加入,离开,掉线<br /> - 检测与移除已掉线的成员<br /> - 消息的组播 (member-to-group或point-to-multipoint)<br /> - 消息的点对点发送 (member-to-member或point-to-point)<br /> - 支持UDP (IP Multicast), TCP, JMS等传输协议<br /> - 免费开放源代码(LGPL)</p>     <p><img style="width:568px;height:426px;" alt="Java多播通讯框架 JGroups 3.0.11/3.1.0 发布" src="" /></p>    </div>    <p>JGroups 刚发布了两个新版本,分别是 <strong>3.0.11</strong> 和 <strong>3.1.0</strong> !</p>    <p>JGroups 3.0.11 用于 EAP 6 / JBoss 7.x 应用服务器的版本,主要是 bug 修复,包含两个性能方面的改进。</p>    <p>而 3.1.0 解决了超过 90 个问题,主要有:</p>    <ul>     <li>NAKACK, UNICAST and NAKACK2 now use a new internal data structure for message delivery and retransmission, which reduces the memory needed by JGroups</li>     <li>MERGE3: a new merge protocol for large clusters</li>     <li>RSVP: blocks the sender until a given message has been received by all members of the target set</li>     <li>A new Total Order Anycast (TOA) protocol needed by the next version of Infinispan to deliver messages to a cluster subset in total order</li>     <li>New discovery protocols for mod-cluster (not yet completely done), Rackspace and OpenStack</li>     <li>MPerf / UPerf: dynamic multicast and unicast performance tests</li>     <li>Concurrent joins to a non-existing cluster are faster, and there's less chances of a merge happening (optimization)</li>     <li> TCP: socket creation doesn't block sending of regular messages (optimization)</li>    </ul>    <p>相关链接:<br /> [1] <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958347321483901584"></a> <br /> [2] <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958328879233180439"></a> <br /> [3] <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958328880041287092" target="_blank"> </a></p>