Foresight Linux 2.5.3 发布,基于rPath Linux的桌面操作系统

jopen 12年前

Foresight Linux是一份基于rPath Linux的桌面操作系统,其特色是一份直观的用户界面并能展示最新的桌面软件。作为一份标新立异的Linux发行,Foresight并不要求用户熟悉 Linux,这归功于一份以用户为中心的、基于Conary包管理系统的桌面环境。Conary是当前最具技术创新性的软件管理系统,它使得用户可以高效 搜索、安装、管理Foresight系统上的所有软件,这还包括无需等待一次主要的发布就能引入最新的软件特性及修正。
Foresight Linux 2.5.3 发布,基于rPath Linux的桌面操作系统
Tomas Forsman has announced the release of Foresight Linux 2.5.3, a rolling-release desktop Linux distribution with Conary package management and a choice of GNOME 2, LXDE and Xfce desktops: " Announcing Foresight Linux 2.5.3. Foresight is a Linux distribution for your desktop that features a rolling-release schedule that always keeps your desktop up to date; a revolutionary package manager, Conary; the latest GNOME 2, LXDE and Xfce desktop environment and an innovative set of excellent, up-to-date software applications. Foresight also includes the polished and refined long-term support 3.4 Linux kernel. If new and shiny is more your thing, you will be pleased to learn that the newly-minted Linux kernel 3.8 is currently undergoing shakedown tests and is slated to become available in the coming weeks." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download (MD5): foresight-2.5.3-gnome-x86_64-dvd1.iso (2,281MB), foresight-2.5.3-xfce-x86_64-dvd1.iso (1,518MB), foresight-2.5.3-lxde-x86_64-dvd1.iso (2,157MB).

Foresight Linux 2.5.3 发布,基于rPath Linux的桌面操作系统