
jopen 13年前
     <p>10月17日,来自国外媒体的报道,昨天在巴黎举办的LibreOffice 会议期间, 文档基金会(Document Foundation)做出了一些重要的声明。其中的LibreOffice Online(在线版本)以及智能手机的版本计划在下一年或者是2013年推出。 </p>    <p>LibreOffice Online 将是LibreOffice的在线应用,类似于 Microsoft 365 或 Google Docs。该基于浏览器的应用程序,由<span style="font-family:'Lucida Grande', Trebuchet, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;">openSUSE的Michael Meeks开发,基于GTK+框架和HTML 5 Canvas。目前还没有更多的细节公布,仅一个<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193893126007627">演示视频</a>(需要WebM支持)。</span></p>    <p><img style="width:569px;height:370px;" title="17094413_dy7e.jpg" border="0" alt="17094413_dy7e.jpg" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/85ebf0a271bef4c184bfcfd5ff9295cf.jpg" /></p>    <p>在该工程中,也会有新的Android 和iOS 版本。目标是将办公套装引入iPad和Android平板,进而进入小型移动设备。UI的工作尚未真正开始,不过大量的代码正在编译。<br /> 英文原文:</p>    <p>During the LibreOffice Conference, The Document Foundation has announced:</p>    <p>* LibreOffice Online Prototype: you can watch a demo video at the following address:<br /> <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193893126007627">http://people.gnome.org/~michael/data/2011-10-10-lool-demo.webm</a>. LibreOffice Online is based on GTK+ framework and HTML5′s canvas, and has been developed by SUSE’s Michael Meeks, built on GTK+ broadway from RedHat’s Alex Laarson.</p>    <p>* LibreOffice port project to Android and iOS, based on the voluntary work of Tor Lillqvist, a SUSE finnish developer know for having ported GIMP to Windows. The LibreOffice Android and iOS port has the objective of bringing the office suite to iPads and Android tablets, and eventually smaller devices. The user interface work has yet to start in earnest but the bulk of the code is compiling.</p>    <p>Please note that these are not products available to end users, but advanced development projects which will become products sometimes in late 2012 or early 2013.</p>    <p>* 500.000 desktops, mostly Windows, at several French Government entities switching from OpenOffice to LibreOffice (this increases the Windows installed base of LibreOffice by 5% in a single move)</p>    <p>* 800.000 USB keys with LibreOffice and other free software distributed to students of the Paris Region (Île-de-France)</p>    <p>* Region Île-de-France becoming a member of TDF Advisory Board</p>    <p><br /> <br /> <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958185168328829039" target="_blank"><span style="font-weight:bold;">LibreOffice</span></a>是一套可与其他主要办公室软体相容的套件,可在各种平台上执行。计画目标是成为一个具ODF的支援,独立于任何厂商之外,没有任何版权要求的办公室套件。它的名字是一个混合词,第一部分自由报在西班牙语和法语中意味着免费,第二部分“办公室”则为英语“办公室”单字。它是可供人免费 下载,使用和分发的自由软体。</p>