Apache IvyDE 2.2.0 beta1 发布
openkk 13年前
<p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958335865338097131" target="_blank">IvyIDEA </a>是 Eclipse 集成开发环境的一个插件,用来支持 ivy .</p> <p><img style="width:572px;height:334px;" alt="Apache IvyDE 2.2.0 beta1 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/4941074953928730a2f681c0b1945981.jpg" /></p> <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958335865338097131" target="_blank">Apache Ivy</a>是一个优秀的管理(记录、跟踪、解析和报告)项目依赖的工具,可与Apache Ant紧密集成。</p> <p>该版本改进内容:</p> <p>* a synchronous resolve job has been introduced to take into account projet's inter dependencies and avoid too many workspace build,<br /> * resolved classpath can now be based on retrieved artifacts,<br /> * IvyDE retrieve feature can now be use on non Java projets<br /> <br /> 兼容性:<br /> * this release is expected to work with every version of Ivy 2.1 or superior<br /> * as for this release and the next ones, IvyDE now expects to be installed in Eclipse 3.4 or superior.<br /> * the Eclipse updatesite has been upgrade and now only supports Eclipse 3.5 or superior. Eclipse 3.4 users can still install it manually.</p>