Korora 18 发布

jopen 12年前

Korora的诞生是为了让Linux对新手而言更易于使用的同时对专业用户依然有用。Korora的主旨是为通用计算提供一份完整的、易于使用的系统。起初在2005年它是基于Gentoo Linux的,但在2010年Korora重新以Fedora衍化的形式问世,并带有额外的微调及部件,以让系统能开箱即用。 Korora 18 发布
Ian Firns has announced the release of Korora 18, a Fedora-based distribution with a large number of tweaks, tools and extras for improved user friendliness: " We have decided to make the existing beta release of Korora (Flo) 18 the final version, as the beta period did not reveal any major issues which warranted a new build. The existing beta images have simply been renamed, so if you already have the beta you also have the final release. Derived from Fedora 18, this release comes with the usual Korora extras out of the box, such as: Adobe Flash plugin; experimental support for Valve's Steam client; unburden-home-dir, which moves cache files (like in Firefox profiles) onto RAMFS at login; undistract-me, which pops up a GUI notification when a terminal command has completed; tweaked KDE and GNOME base systems; experimental support for Cinnamon desktop in GNOME; third-party repositories...." Read the rest of the release announcement for known issues and upgrade instructions. Download: korora-18-x86_64-kde-live.iso (2,227MB), korora-18-x86_64-gnome-live.iso (1,681MB). Korora 18 发布