23个实用的 Gems 来搭建一个Rails应用

jopen 9年前

1. Better Errors & Binding of Caller

These two gems are working to replace the Rails default error page to show you where the mistake was made, propose you a REPL (console), inspect params, your instance variables and to easily browse stack of an error.

2. Pry Byebug

Pry offers a colorful alternative to IRB and Pry Byebug helps to stop code execution with breakpoints, to offer you the opportunity to test/debug your application on the run.

3. Puma

Puma is a faster HTTP server Webrick (proposed base on your Rails applications). This gem can increase the daily performance of your site and better manage any traffic load by addressing several requests in parallel.

4. Quiet Assets

Quiet Assets allows you to relieve the log from your developer console by removing queries HTTP related to the pipeline assets Rails. Say goodbye to multiple “GET /assets/blog/thumbnail-api-webhook-tutorial-be5d3373ac225d0d5d0f0060aa7b3eeb.jpg HTTP/1.1″ 304 – 0.0154 and relieve your eyes.

5. Faker

This is indispensable to populate your basis of false information (name, email, address …) when developing your application without the need to create everything by hand!

6. Letter Opener

Letter Opener allows you to preview your emails directly in your browser without having to include a system for sending emails within your development environment.


You can add the following gems in your Gemfile the group :Production to only benefit when your application is Pushee on Heroku or any other service.

group :development do    gem "better_errors"     gem "binding_of_caller"     gem "quiet_assets"     gem "pry-byebug"     gem "faker"     gem "letter_opener"   end