10 最好的免费响应式博客模板

jopen 12年前


10 最好的免费响应式模板

ExtraNews is beautiful responsive blogger template layout with many features. It’s a black color template with 2 and 3 columns layout with 1 right sidebar. It has white, blue and grey top navigation menu, custom search result, tab menu, custom lightbox and much more.

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10 最好的免费响应式模板

MXfluity is a personal and photograhy responsive blogger template layout. It has 2 columns with right sidebar or left sidebar and accordion slider. Default template color is black, white and red and easy to change. This template have one top navigation menu. Search box is using JSON to see the search results. Thread comments with emoticon, recent comments with avatar, SEO optimized, and much more.

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10 最好的免费响应式模板

MyTimeLine is a free responsive blogger template which has 2 columns and 3 columns footer with right sidebar. Navigation menu has black, white and blue color.

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10 最好的免费响应式模板

DailyPost is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar and simple look.

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Balance Responsive Blogger Theme

10 最好的免费响应式模板

Balance is a WordPress child theme which is designed by StudioPress. This is a responsive theme with grid layout, clean and elegant look. The template also has a opt-in subscribe widget on homepage and a opt-in sidebar subscribe widget in post page.

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 Main Photo Responsive Blogger Template

10 最好的免费响应式模板


MainPhoto responsive Blogger template has clean and minimalist design. This free template is best for photography or gallery blog.

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Copyblogger-V2 – Responsive Template

10 最好的免费响应式模板

This is an updated version of the Copyblogger Blogger template. It is a Responsive blogger template with a clean minimal look. It has some inbuilt features such as Multiple Author Info widget, Search Box, Custom follow by email widget, etc.

Note: You can download this free template only by subscribing to Blogtipsntricks Resource Page.


Sensational – Responsive Blogger Template

10 最好的免费响应式模板

Sensational is a responsive blogger template which was created by MyThemeShop and blogtipsntricks.com converted this into a responsive blogger template. It is a three column layout with a nice design. It has many custom features including responsive flex slider.

Note: You can download this free template only by subscribing to Blogtipsntricks Resource Page.


Minimum Template for Blogger

10 最好的免费响应式模板

Minimum is a WordPress child theme published by StudioPress. This theme has a custom home page and post page layout. Blogtipsntricks.com designed this theme to make the quality of blogger template equal to wordpress. This theme has many awesome features like custom social profile, opt-in subscribe form, custom button, threaded comment system and much more.

Note: You can download this blogger template only by subscribing to Blogtipsntricks Resource Page.



10 最好的免费响应式模板

BResponsive is fully responsive blogger template. It’s a magazine style layout which has many features like carousel slider, subscribe widget, social icons widget, tabbed content, recent posts widget, popular posts widget, latest tweet widget etc. It’s search engine optimized template.

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