Web服务测试工具,soapUI 4.5 Beta1 发布
openkk 13年前
<p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958331616567366403" target="_blank">soapui</a>提供一个工具通过soap/http来检查,调用,实现web service和web service的功能/负载/符合性测试。该工具既可作为一个桌面应用软件使用,也可利用插件集成到Eclipse,maven2.X,netbeans 和intellij中使用。<br /> <br /> soapUI 4.5 Beta1 发布了,该版本在环境、测试调试、消息内容断言、断言测试步骤等方法做了很大改进,但不幸的是这些改进都是属于专业版,需要付费或者使用测试才能体验。</p> <p>此外还包括:</p> <div class="one-column-row clearfix"> <h3>功能测试</h3> <ul class="left"> <li>HTTP Monitor now works for all HTTP Methods</li> <li>Improved the XPath Assertion to support wildcards within elements</li> <li>Improved the XQuery Assertion to support wildcards within elements</li> </ul> </div> <div class="one-column-row clearfix"> <h3>技术测试</h3> <ul class="left"> <li>Add a Raw tab to JDBC Test Steps to see the actual database request</li> </ul> </div> <div class="one-column-row clearfix"> <h3>分析</h3> <ul class="left"> <li>Added possibility to override JUnitReportCollector for creating custom JUnit style reports</li> </ul> </div> <div class="one-column-row clearfix"> <h3>安全</h3> <ul class="left"> <li>Enlarged the controls in Security Test</li> </ul> </div> <div class="one-column-row clearfix"> <h3>技术支持</h3> <ul class="left"> <li>Miscellaneous</li> <li>Added line numbers when having a Groovy Null Pointer </li> </ul> <p>更详细的改进信息请看官方<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958331617382093341" target="_blank">发行说明</a>。</p> </div> <p> </p> <p><img alt="Web服务测试工具,soapUI 4.5 Beta1 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/0d224aab7e9593611c5d972b03856ba5.gif" width="400" height="254" /></p>