Peppermint OS Four 发布,基于Lubuntu的Linux发行

jopen 12年前

Peppermint OS是基于Lubuntu的Linux发行,它的设计目标是超级快以及对系统资源要求低。通过采用Mozilla的Prism技术,Peppermint能与云计算及基于网页的应用无缝集成。该发行的其他特性包括自动更新,简易的逐步式安装,雅致且用户友好的界面,以及通过直接与云计算应用集成而达到的增强的移动性。
Peppermint OS Four 发布,基于Lubuntu的Linux发行
Peppermint OS Four 发布,一个轻量级,易于使用桌面Linux发行,基于Ubuntu 13.04:

" Welcome back to the new and improved Peppermint web site and welcome to the next iteration of our operating system: Peppermint Four. We are seriously excited about this release and we hope you are as ecstatic as all of us on Team Peppermint. Make sure to download a bunch of copies and give them to friends and family; they will thank you, for sure. Peppermint Four is based on the Ubuntu 13.04 code base and uses the LXDE desktop environment, but now with Xfwm4 instead of Openbox as the window manager. Other new features in this release are that we've included some example games by default including Entanglement and First Person Tetris. We've also added some metapackages for popular tasks such as graphic arts and photography to the Featured section of the Software Manager."

完整发布说明:release announcement
下载: Peppermint-4-20130611-amd64.iso (592MB).
Peppermint OS Four 发布,基于Lubuntu的Linux发行