SSH蜜罐 Kippo
fmms 13年前
<p>Kippo是一个中等交互的SSH蜜罐,主要设计用来记录蛮力破解攻击。另外,最重要的是Kippo提供了一个可供攻击者操作的shell。Kippo的灵感来源于Kojoney,但并不基于Kojoney。</p> <p>安装Kippo的基本要求:<br /> * An operating system (tested on Debian, CentOS, FreeBSD and Windows 7)<br /> * Python 2.5+<br /> * Twisted 8.0+<br /> * PyCrypto<br /> * Zope Interface</p> <h2>特性:</h2> <p>Some interesting features: </p> <ul> <li>Fake filesystem with the ability to add/remove files. A full fake filesystem resembling a Debian 5.0 installation is included </li> <li>Possibility of adding fake file contents so the attacker can 'cat' files such as /etc/passwd. Only minimal file contents are included </li> <li>Session logs stored in an <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958194871630401722" rel="nofollow">UML compatible</a> format for easy replay with original timings </li> <li>Just like Kojoney, Kippo saves files downloaded with wget for later inspection </li> <li>Trickery; ssh pretends to connect somewhere, exit doesn't really exit, etc </li> </ul> 项目地址: <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958194872373098433" target="_blank"></a> <br /> <h2><a name="Requirements"></a></h2>