phpMyFAQ 2.8.0 发布,FAQ系统
jopen 12年前
phpMyFAQ是一个多语言,完全数据库驱动的FAQ系统。它支持各种数据库系统,它也提供了一个支持所见即所得编辑器的内容管理系统,一个图片管理器,灵活的多组和多用户支持,一个新闻系统,用户跟踪,语言模块,模板,PDF支持,一个备份系统,Active Directory支持,和一个易于使用的安装脚本。
发布日志: This major new release now requires PHP 5.3.3 or later and is licensed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0. The HTML5/CSS3 layout is based on 推ter Bootstrap 2.3.2, and this release ships with jQuery 1.9.1. It adds multi-site support, auto-save for FAQs during editing, an improved advanced search in subcategories, and the possibility to close and delete open questions and to delete multiple open questions. It also adds a user control panel, support for Composer, a configurable maintenance mode, and user notifications for answered questions