Spark IM 2.7.1 发布,IM 客户端

gf67 9年前


Spark 2.7.1 发布,现已提供在 Ignite Realtime: Downloads (注意:当前构建环境没有 Mac 的设置,不提供 Mac OS 安装器,而且现在 Spark 在 Mac OS 平台还是存在很多问题)。

更新日志 (official changelog):

  • SPARK-864 - Printing conversation margin cuts off characters from lines that wrap

  • SPARK-1512 - ***<user> is online at message does not always show in chat room

  • SPARK-1513 - After receiving XML data as a message Spark stops displaying history

  • SPARK-1604 - Buzz and stale settings overlap in the Preferences window

  • SPARK-1588 - Update French translation

  • SPARK-1607 - Show JID as contact name if instead an empty string would have been shown

  • SPARK-1609 - Default resource should be "Spark" without a version number

  • SPARK-1611 - Update Lithuanian translation

  • SPARK-1617 - Fix loading of Spellchecker's IgnoreUppercase setting

  • SPARK-979 - Add an option to disable graying out and italic for idle contacts

  • SPARK-1503 - Option to use hostname as a resource

  • SPARK-1584 - Update bundled JRE with the latest version

此版本绑定了最新的 Java 7 更新 (7u80),下一个会绑定 Java 8(很有可能)。


Spark IM 2.7.1 发布,IM 客户端