Mythbuntu 14.04 发布

jopen 11年前

Thomas Mashos has announced the availability of Mythbuntu 14.04, the new stable version of an Ubuntu-derived distribution that makes it simple to set up a standalone MythTV system: "After some last-minute critical fixes and ISO respins by the release team, the Mythbuntu team is proud to announce that we have released Mythbuntu 14.04 LTS. This is the Mythbuntu team's second LTS release and will be supported until shortly after the 16.04 release. With this release, we are providing mirroring on sponsored mirrors and torrents. It is very important to note that this release is only compatible with MythTV 0.27 systems. The MythTV component of previous Mythbuntu releases can be be upgraded to a compatible MythTV version by using the Mythbuntu repository. Highlights: a recent snapshot of the MythTV 0.27 release is included; Mythbuntu theme fixes." Here is the release announcement with a brief list of known issues. Download: mythbuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,012MB, SHA256, torrent).