Java集成开发环境 IntelliJ IDEA 11 Early Access 发布

openkk 13年前
     <p>IntelliJ IDEA是一个屡获殊荣的Java和Groovy开发环境,不过在现在Eclipse横行的世道,只剩下一些铁杆粉丝还在坚持使用此开发环境。</p>    <p><strong>IntelliJ IDEA</strong>被认为是当前Java开发效率最快的IDE工具。它整合了开发过程中实用的众多功能,几乎可以不用鼠标可以方便的完成你要做的任何事情,最大程度的加快开发的速度。简单而又功能强大。与其他的一些繁冗而复杂的IDE工具有鲜明的对比。<br /> <img style="width:600px;height:376px;" title="15205915_1qtl.png" border="0" alt="15205915_1qtl.png" src="" /></p>    <p>IntelliJ IDEA 11 发布了首个测试版本,下载地址:<strong><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958191037457197936">EAP build</a></strong>.</p>    <p>改进内容:</p>    <h5>性能方面提升:</h5>    <ul class="alternate" type="square">     <li>Lag-less typing in big documents with new editor architecture</li>     <li>Faster indexing for large codebases when running on 32 bit JDK</li>    </ul>    <h5>可用性方面改进:</h5>    <ul class="alternate" type="square">     <li>Event Log view for all IDE notifications</li>     <li>Live template settings UI reworked, many new template contexts added</li>     <li>Inplace refactorings UI reworked</li>     <li>Backgroundable search for implementations (Ctrl-Alt-B) and definitions (Ctrl-Alt-I)</li>     <li>Ability to open all classes/files/symbols by mask from corresponding Go To popup in Find toolwindow</li>     <li><a class="external-link" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958191038303243262" rel="nofollow">"Digest" changes view in Changes -> Local and commit dialog</a></li>     <li>Git log: [file] structure filter added, and action to see log of arbitrary repository added</li>     <li>Resizeable completion popup</li>     <li>Java/Groovy code completion now suggests only the imported classes. A second invocation of Ctrl+Space will suggest the other ones</li>     <li>Recently changed classes and methods are highlighted in stack traces</li>     <li>An ability to write breakpoint conditions in Groovy for Groovy code</li>     <li>Linux usability improvements: GTK+ theme fixes; better integration with docks; action for creating entry in apps menu; drag&drop and cut&paste between IDEA and file managers</li>     <li>JavaScript debugger improvements: customizable presentation for objects, 'mark object' action</li>    </ul>    <p></p>