Spring Data Neo4j 2.0.0.RC1 发布
fmms 13年前
<p><strong>Spring Data</strong> 项目的目的是为了简化构建基于 Spring 框架应用的数据访问计数,包括非关系数据库、Map-Reduce 框架、云数据服务等等;另外也包含对关系数据库的访问支持。</p> <p>而 Spring Data Neo4j 是其中一个之模块,用于支持 Neo4j 企业 NoSQL 数据库的部件。</p> <p>该版本改进内容:</p> <ul> <li>Updated Neo4j to 1.5 AspectJ to 1.6.12</li> <li>Added repository support for the new <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958199288554850682">Cypher-DSL</a> (1.5.M1) (with <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958183692127854728">QueryDSL</a> support)</li> <li>Updated cypher syntax changes for 1.5</li> <li>Extended result-handling-dsl to allow changes of container classes</li> <li>Added examples for hello-worlds and cypher for both mapping options</li> <li>@RelationshipEntity has an fallback relationship-type attribute</li> <li>Support for (mutable) @RelatedToVia collections (like Set)</li> <li>Relationship-Entities can now be directly instantiated and persisted</li> <li>Introduced the concept of a MappingPolicy for the POJO mapping mode (currently @Fetch)</li> <li>Simplified cineasts using annotated and derived queries on repositories</li> <li>Added repository for access of relationship-related methods</li> <li>Improved support for collection properties</li> <li>List, Set, Collection, Page as return types on derived and annotated query methods</li> </ul> <p>项目资源:<br /> <a href="http://www.springsource.com/download/community?project=Spring%20Data&version=2.0.0.RC1">Downloads</a> | <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958199290705169279">Reference Card</a> | <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958199291449609774">JavaDocs</a> | <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958199292186518423">Spring Data Graph Guide Book</a> | <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958199292913573625">Changelog</a> | <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958199293660203885">GitHub Repository</a></p>