纯Javascript图表 Highcharts 2.2.5 发布

openkk 13年前
   <p>Highcharts 2.2.5 发布了,下载地址:<a class="button" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343679376087366"><span>Highcharts 2.2.5</span></a></p>    <p>该版本主要修复的 bug详细记录包括:</p>    <ul>     <li>Fixed Android 2 compatibility problem. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343680190347391">Issue 1034</a></li>     <li>Fixed issue with legend text not wrapping correctly to itemStyle.width option ion IE8. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343680987334654">Issue 1021</a>.</li>     <li>Removed double clipping assignment in development branch, and subsequent JS error on Series.remove in legacy IE. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343681775586282">Issue 1027</a>.</li>     <li>Fixed broken minRange after the #878 fix.</li>     <li>Reverted fix for #904 where a line with lineWidth of 0 became visible in hover state. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343682572376174">Issue 1016</a>.</li>     <li>Added legend.maxHeight option for paging.</li>     <li>Fixed issue with chart title and subtitle responding too late to chart resize. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343683376798117">Issue 1012</a>.</li>     <li>Fixed JS error on quickly changing range selection in Highstock in column charts. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343684180013971">Issue 1004</a>.</li>     <li>Fixed issue with clipping of legend after resize to a greater width. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343684975825001">Issue 1001</a>.</li>     <li>Fixed issue with size detection of rotated text in exported charts legacy IE. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343685772658866">Issue 997</a>.</li>     <li>Fixed issue with original mouse event information not being passed over to legendItemClick handler. Added it to event.browserEvent. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343686571894302">Issue 4</a>. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343687360604167">Issue 992</a>.</li>     <li>Fixed issue with the series.pointRange option not affecting the width of columns.</li>     <li>Added tooltip formatting options: percentageDecimals, percentagePrefix, percentageSuffix, totalDecimals, totalPrefix, totalSuffix. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343688155618877">Issue 864</a>.</li>     <li>Fixed issue with error #10 appearing on a chart with all null data if yAxis.min was set.</li>     <li>Fixed issue when colorByPoint was set to true, it started from the second item in the color array, whereas the first one was assigned to the whole series. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343688962299102">Issue 974</a>.</li>     <li>Fixed JS error on setting categories with fewer items before the chart was redrawn. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958343689759459661">Issue 970</a>.</li>    </ul>    <p>Highcharts是一个制作图表的纯Javascript类库,主要特性如下:</p>    <ul>     <li>兼容性:兼容当今所有的浏览器,包括iPhone、IE和火狐等等;</li>     <li>对个人用户完全免费;</li>     <li>纯JS,无BS;</li>     <li>支持大部分的图表类型:直线图,曲线图、区域图、区域曲线图、柱状图、饼装图、散布图;</li>     <li>跨语言:不管是PHP、Asp.net还是Java都可以使用,它只需要三个文件:一个是Highcharts的核心文件highcharts.js,还有a canvas emulator for IE和Jquery类库或者MooTools类库;</li>     <li>提示功能:鼠标移动到图表的某一点上有提示信息;</li>     <li>放大功能:选中图表部分放大,近距离观察图表;</li>     <li>易用性:无需要特殊的开发技能,只需要设置一下选项就可以制作适合自己的图表;</li>     <li>时间轴:可以精确到毫秒;</li>    </ul>    <p><img style="width:567px;height:134px;" alt="纯Javascript图表 Highcharts 2.2.5 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/d9d8f46f158d12b6c9b367dbc5e57877.jpg" /></p>