HTML编辑器,CKEditor 4.3.1 发布
CKEditor 是一款功能强大的开源在线文本编辑器。它所见即所得的特点,使你在编辑时所看到的内容和格式,能够与发布后看到的效果完全一致。利用它,我们可以在 Web 上实现类似于 Microsoft Word 的许多强大的功能。CKEditor 完全是基于 JavaScript 开发的,因此不必在客户端进行任何安装,并且兼容各大主流浏览器,比如:IE,Firefox,Chrome,Safari,Opera。而且由于它是一 个纯粹的 JavaScript 应用,所以无论用的是哪种服务器端技术(JSP,PHP,ASP 等等),都可以获得很好的支持。
CKEditor 的前身是 FCKEditor,这个项目是在 2003 年由 Frederico Caldeira Knabben 发起的,FCK 代表的就是项目创建者 Frederico Caldeira Knabben 的简称。从 3.0 版本后,它改名为 CKEditor,CK 代表的含义是 Content And Knowledge(内容与知识)。现在,CKEditor 隶属于 CKSource 公司,背后拥有一个强大的技术团队的支持。在同类产品之中,CKEditor 的使用最为广泛,社区最为活跃,一直拥有良好的口碑。
We would like to announce the release of CKEditor 4.3.1. This editor version is a minor bug-fixing release that follows our last major release, CKEditor 4.3, that introduced the amazing Widget System. CKEditor 4.3.1 includes lots of enhancements for various widget and accessibility issues as well as some browser-specific fixes.
Naming Changes
Please note that this release contains a few changes that will align the new plugins (Language and Enhanced Image) to our naming conventions. To start with, the lower-case language
button of the Language plugin was renamed to Language
(upper-case). And since the Image and Enhanced Image plugins are mutually exclusive, we have also renamed the button, context menu, plugin command, and icon for the new image widget plugin to match the old one.
Widget Enhancements
This release also introduces some fixes and enhancements to our Widget System. A few notable changes are fixes around image resizing for the Enhanced Image widget as well as some further fixes for widget drag and drop operations. Please note that since the Clipboard plugin is needed for widget drag and drop, it is now added as the dependency for the Widget plugin. Do remember that the recommended way to install any additional CKEditor plugins, including widgets, is through CKBuilder which makes the whole process hassle-free and you will never need to worry about resolving the dependencies like that by yourself!
Accessibility Fixes
Accessibility remains a priority in CKEditor, so this version improves some issues with keyboard navigation across the editor drop-down menus and menu items. WAI-ARIA support for the new Language plugin was also enhanced and an issue with JAWS not recognizing disabled buttons as unavailable is now fixed.
Check out the What's New? page for the full list of changes.