VirtualBox 5.0 正式发布,支持 USB 3.0 设备

ggkwk 10年前

VirtualBox 5.0 正式发布,此版本包括重要的新特性,大量改进和 bug 修复。

VirtualBox 5.0 支持最新的 guest/host 操作系统:Mac OS X Yosemite, Windows 10, Oracle Linux, Oracle Solaris, 其他 Linux 操作系统和传统操作系统。


  • 部分虚拟化支持 Windows 和 Linux Guests

  •   优化 CPU 利用率

  • 支持 USB 3.0 设备

  • Windows 上支持双向拖拽

  • 硬盘镜像加密:使用工业标准 AES 算法


  • VMs can now be started in separate mode. The VM process is started headless while the frontend runs as a separate process which can be terminated without stopping the VM.

  • GUI: VM guest-content scaling support (including 3D acceleration)

  • GUI: New User Interface settings page for customizing status-bar, menu-bar and guest-content scaling

  • GUI: New Encryption settings tab for customizing encryption options for disk images

  • GUI: HiDPI support including application icons and optional unscaled HiDPI output on Mac OS X (including 3D acceleration)

  • GUI: Hotplugging support for SATA disks

  • New, modular audio architecture for providing a better abstraction of the host audio backends

  • Support for the NDIS6 networking framework on Windows (default on Vista and later)

未来 GUI 改进:

  • VM guest-content scaling support (including 3D acceleration)

  • New User Interface settings page for customizing status-bar, menu-bar and guest-content scaling

  • New Encryption settings tab for customizing encryption options for disk images

  • HiDPI support including application icons and optional unscaled HiDPI output on Mac OS X (including 3D acceleration)

  • Hotplugging support for SATA disks

  • Improved HID LEDs synchronization for Mac and Windows hosts

  • Take the guest screen aspect ratio into account for the preview window

  • Provide direct access to storage media in the VM selector
