Mozilla Firefox 11 正式版发布下载

jopen 13年前
     <p>Mozilla已经在FTP的releases目录上公布了Firefox 11的安装文件(各语种更新中,截至发稿英文版已经更新完毕),有兴趣的朋友们可以先行下载尝试了,这个版本的新特性不多,因为firefox现在已经是 版本帝了,但是修正了不少bug,还是值得更新。</p>    <p>Firefox 11的新特性:</p>    <ol>     <li>能够从Google Chrome 中直接导入书签、历史记录和Cookies;</li>     <li>支持扩展随Sync启动后同时同步;</li>     <li>支持CSS文本大小调整属性(text-size-adjust property);</li>     <li>新增对outerHTML属性的支持;</li>    </ol>    <p>详细更新内容:</p>    <ul>     <li>Firefox can now migrate your bookmarks, history, and cookies from Google Chrome</li>     <li>With Sync enabled, add-ons can now be synchronized across your computers</li>     <li>The CSS text-size-adjust property is now supported</li>     <li>The outerHTML property is now supported on HTML elements</li>     <li>View source syntax highlighting now uses the HTML5 parser (see bug 482921)</li>     <li>The Style Editor for CSS editing is now available to web developers</li>     <li>Web developers can now visualize a web page in 3D using the Page Inspector 3D View</li>     <li>SPDY protocol support for faster page loads is now testable</li>     <li>XMLHttpRequest now supports HTML parsing</li>     <li>Files can now be stored in IndexedDB (see bug 661877)</li>     <li>Websockets has now been unprefixed</li>     <li>Redesigned media controls for HTML5 video</li>     <li>Firefox notifications may not work properly with Growl 1.3 or later (691662)</li>    </ul>    <p><strong>下载: </strong><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958332400030656010" target="_blank">Mozilla Firefox 11</a></p>