大规模数据存储系统,Crate Data 0.51.6 发布
Crate Data 是一个开源的大规模的可伸缩的数据存储系统,无需任何系统管理需求。提供强大的搜索功能。用于存储各种表格数据、非结构化数据和二进制对象。并可通过 SQL 进行检索。易于安装和使用,支持高可用性和实时大规模并行访问和处理。Crate 特别适合用于 Docker 环境中。
- Fix check if setting is settable/resettable on runtime for nested settings
- Exposed missing cluster gateway settings
- Throw an exception when someone attempts to change non-runtime changeable
- Fixed a race condition that could cause COPY FROM operations to get stuck if
shards were to be relocated.
- Fixed a race condition that could cause the re-creation of an already
existing table partition and therefore potential dataloss when creating
a lot of partitions simultaniously using COPY FROM or bulk inserts.