10 个实用的Web设计和开发资源

This tool comes in handy when Photoshop is not around, as it allows presenting your PSD files in mobile app design or prototype in a phone or tablet mockup. It currently boasts support for some major smartphones.
Story Board Illustration

Here you can find 430 free illustrations+ in AI format which you can use for making sketches and storyboard. This collection was shared by Julian Burford, a designer and illustrator from Netherland.

It allows placing photos side-by-side or top-bottom in one frame, as present in various websites, in Photoshop all by itself. Creating our own layout and boxes, adjusting colors, width and height is also possible.
WebP Photoshop Plugin

WebP is a new image format which was introduced by Google to cater the problem using high-definition images and their effects on the website loading times. This format allows creating images 26-39% smaller in size as compared to PNG or JPG without compromising the quality of the image. So you get a high-quality image exactly like the one present in PNG or JPG but in a smaller size.

This awesome tool lets you sort your CSS, CSS3 and CSS Pre-processor – LESS and Sass, properties in such a way as to make them organized, readable, and easy to handle. Setting the rules for sorting the properties according to you is possible.
IOS7 Wireframe Kit For Illustrator

If you use Illustrator for making app prototype, then this tool is perfect for you! Save it for use as it is one of the best iOS Wireframe for Illustrator.

SVG allows serving good quality graphics for HD screens. This tool is a nice pattern generator for SVG, which lets you create background patterns easily and quickly.

This one is a great GUI app for compiling LESS, Sass, Compass and CoffeeScript. Unlike Codekit etc. This app runs with Windows, OS X and Linux.
Emmet LiveStyle

This one is a really cool tool for bi-directional live editing, which means that it allows editing both from in- browser and the code editor without the need of any page refresh and file saving. On the whole it is a really nice and useful resource for all the designer and developers out there.

This website provides you with an amazing collection of free HD images which you can use in your prototype. New high-quality and high-resolution images are added regularly.