集群配置同步工具 synctool 5.1 发布

fmms 13年前
     synctool 是一个集群管理工具,用来在集群中的所有节点间进行保证配置文件的同步。节点可以是一个逻辑组和类的一部分,它们可能需要部分的配置文件。synctool 守护进程可以根据配置更改而对应用进行重启,还包括执行一些其他的管理任务。    <br />    <p>synctool simplifies system administration by working with the following concepts: </p>    <ul>     <li>a host can be part of one or more groups, or classes</li>     <li>files are designated a group by means of filename extension</li>     <li>the ‘overlay’ directory tree contains the files and directories that should be copied (or ‘synced’) to the target host</li>     <li>when certain files are updated, you will want to execute a script (e.g, <span class="cmd">/etc/init.d/daemon restart</span>)</li>     <li>simplicity. It uses the power of <span class="cmd">rsync</span> and <span class="cmd">ssh</span> to distribute the files</li>     <li>extendibility. Make synctool more powerful by writing plugin scripts</li>    </ul>    <br /> synctool 5.1 发布了,这主要是一个补丁修复版本。    <br />    <br /> 项目地址:    <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958183770132847791" target="_blank">http://www.heiho.net/synctool/</a>