Sophos UTM 9.1 发布,高性能的多合一防火墙

jopen 12年前

Sophos UTM提供一套集成的软件解决方案,是具有高性能的多合一防火墙。它具有加固的操作系统、网络分组状态检测、可扫描病毒及对上网冲浪提供保护的内容过滤、 应用层代理,以及基于IPSec协议的虚拟专用网,这为当前的安全问题提供了一份强有力的解决方案。它为最大限度保障你的网络安全而设计,并且不以牺牲性 能为代价,从而使得通信设施、办公部门、消费者和供应商能安全地共享机密的业务信息。我们所专有的用户界面及web管理工具为所有开源防火墙组件提供了易 用性和可操作性,此外还通过Internet提供Up2Date服务。它安装起来很容易,所有的组件都集中在一张光盘上,并能为现今的网络环境提供简便的 部署和集成。
Sophos UTM 9.1 发布,高性能的多合一防火墙
Angelo Comazzetto has announced the release of Sophos UTM 9.1, a Linux-based operating system for firewalls formerly known as Astaro Security Gateway: " I am pleased to inform you that today, after months of research, development (and public testing), we have released Sophos UTM 9.1. This major update to our UTM line introduces dozens of new features, offers vastly increased performance in throughput and reporting which makes UTM an even more formidable solution. You will find an amazing new system for enforcing your web security settings on clients anywhere they are in the world using our UTM endpoint offering, wireless repeating and bridging using a mesh network option for our wireless AP50, and SSL V*N for iOS and Android mobiles." Read the full release announcement for a long list of new features and bug fixes. Download the new version from here: asg-9.100-14.1.iso (546MB, MD5).