2015 年十大年最流行的Angularjs库

jopen 9年前

2015 年十大年最流行的Angularjs库10 Most Popular Angularjs Libraries Started in 2015

1. material start

This Material start* project is a seed for AngularJS Material applications. The project contains a sample AngularJS application and is pre-configured to install the Angular framework and a bunch of development and testing tools for instant web development gratification.

2. angular 2 webpack starter

An Angular 2 starter kit featuring Angular 2 Router, Forms, Http, Services, Tests, E2E, Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, TypeScript, Typings, and Webpack by AngularClass.

3. angular-cli

Prototype of a CLI for Angular 2 applications based on the ember-cli project.

4. angular-oauth2

AngularJS OAuth2 authentication module written in ES6.

5. angular-data-table

angular-data-table is a AngularJS directive for presenting large and complex data. It has all the features you would expect from any other table but in a light package with no external depedencies. The table was designed to be extremely flexible and light; it doesn't make any assumptions about your data or how you: filter, sort or page it.

6. gladys

Gladys is an home automation assistant to help you in your everyday life.

7. angular-es6

An example approach to using ES6 classes in an AngularJS 1.x app.

8. angular-virtual-dom

angular-virtual-dom is an experimental Virtual DOM based AngularJS view renderer designed to be used with immutable data structures such as immutable-js and mori.

angular-virtual-dom lets you use regular AngularJS templates and expressions to bind data to the DOM, but uses Virtual DOM diffing behind the scenes.

9. quantumui

QuantumUI is the most powerful and well designed NATIVE AngularJS and Bootstrap CSS based UI components make developer life easy.

10. ng meditor

Medium style editor for AngularJS. Demo

Hope the post was informative, do let us know in comments, if we forgot to cover a popular library.

来自: http://blog.apcelent.com/most-popular-angularjs-library-2015.html